What is a Modern Midlife?
It's a Midlife that’s vastly different from what we saw growing up in our Mom's and Grandmother’s generations.
It’s a Midlife deeply connected to Mind, Body & Spirit where women live both inside out and outside in.
It's a time when a woman awakens and realizes she’s in control of her life, her dreams, and her destiny. She is designing her life her way. It is a life where meaning, passion, purpose and paying it forward are at the forefront.
It's a time where a woman sees herself as empowered, relevant, confident and highly capable.
She understands that a healthy lifestyle is the key to a healthy life. She desires to look and feel her best and knows that true beauty starts from within. Community, connection and creativity fuel her.
She radiates with empathy, kindness, and compassion and lives life with a “Fierce” heartfelt intensity. She is the epitome of elegance and grace combined with a healthy dose of Moxie. She is the ultimate Phoenix Rising.