Hi folks, I'm uploading many of the songs I've written over my 80+ yrs in the simplest video format I can manage. It's just going to be me, my voice, such as it is these days, and one of my guitars. I'll be typing out the lyrics for each of these below the video, as the the words are important to me.
I got my musical start at around 12-13 with guitar lessons for a year, and dabbled in playing till I got into art school (Layton School of Art, in Milwaukee Wis.) where I was invited by some other students to jam, and that turned into a band in about 1963. That band was called Shag, and some of our recordings are featured here on YT, including a regional 'hit' single we had called; Stop and Listen, and our album from 1969, called; Shag 1969. I played in a couple other CA. bands after that group, and have been writing all my adult life. Late start music is a reference to my "Grandma Moses" timing for making my work public. I hope you enjoy some of them. Please like, subscribe, and comment