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♫ Bowjinjin ♫

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I'm Bowjinjin. Welcome to my music channel! My primary pursu

♫ Bowjinjin ♫
1 year ago - 11 likes

Wassup y'all.

Hope you enjoyed the 2 Club Rouge tracks, and I wanna say thanks for all your lovely comments.
Believe it or not, there's even MORE Jazz:Rouge coming down the line (if that's even possible) so hopefully you'll look forward to that.

For now though...I have some pretty good news.

Starting today (specifically midnight GMT, 7pm EDT and 4pm PDT), I will be releasing another track. In fact, today and for the next 4 days, there will be a release at the aforementioned time. Daily.

So what can you expect? Well, there will be tracks from 2 major game franchises, as well as some anime tracks and one original. In terms of vibe, they will be more on the soundtrack/instrumental side.

After all's said and done, I'll post an update on my plans for the rest of the year regarding future releases and what I've ultimately been up to. It would also be cool to do a catch up in person at some point too.

I'm excited to share this news with you guys and I hope you'll buckle in for a week's worth of music!


♫ Bowjinjin ♫
1 year ago - 18 likes

Heyyo! Thanks for checking out my Club Rouge remix y'all!

...So, random but, you know in that scene in Night Babylon, right?

There's a theatre to the right hand side opposite the Club Rouge casino...

Wouldn't it be super cool if, say...

There was a secret "After Show" being showed there, hmm?



♫ Bowjinjin ♫
1 year ago - 12 likes

Heyyo. It's been a little while, huh? Hope you guys are doing well!

So, uh...pretty random but I played Sonic Battle today. It's pretty cool. Probably one of the more unique and creative Sonic games out there.

But I must confess, I didn't play it just out of nostalgia... if you catch my drift.

(Sorry, I'm not good at clickbaity stuff)...

That's all I'll say for now...wink wink.


♫ Bowjinjin ♫
1 year ago - 4 likes

Time for another community post!


This is a little bit of a celebratory entry :) Last month, Dry Lagoon completed my long standing Jazz:Rouge project. Now, just a month later, another project is complete - Archetypal Girl Vol.1, with my release of Yuka's Serenade a couple days ago, completing the trio of tracks from volume 1.

It's maybe a little different from what you guys are used to from me (jazzy Rouge stuff), but I put a lot of heart into this project. Not only did I write the music, I designed the girls, and made the videos myself. The mixes aren't perfect, if you'll excuse a little bit of self-criticism, but I'm glad that these tracks are at least finally out. This is a first major milestone for me, and if you've listened and enjoyed, I just want to say a big thank you.

There is much more coming, so stay tuned, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy. :)

♫ Bowjinjin ♫
1 year ago - 9 likes

Hey everyone, I'm doing my first community post. Not really sure what I'm doing, but it's cool I guess 🙂

Thank you for all the new years wishes and welcome back comments by the way, they were all really sweet :)

Just wanted to give a proper howdy ho after so long and also update you on some things. A lot of things transpired in the interim years (some not so great as you all know...), but most importantly, I rolled up my sleeves and really knuckled down on music. I also managed to reach a new skill level during this time too, which is muchos cool.

Hope y'all are buckled in because there will be a LOT of stuff coming out this year. Seriously.

I want to focus on creating my best art moving forwards. I know most people know me for my Rouge remixes, and I'll always be down for some Rouge action but I also wanna do a lot of other things and express a lot of other emotions and vibes and things to you guys too.

(Although, speaking of Rouge, there is more to come. Quite a bit stay tuned ;)

Though YouTube will probably be my main base of ops, I have a website coming through that's going to serve as a hub and social media link funneler.

I also started a Patreon page but aren't even close to thinking about what to do for it 😅 and then I have ideas for merch, not to mention occasional streams (I won't be streaming regularly anymore though, part of the reason being that I do have a day job now...)

Anyway, I hope I didn't freak you guys out too much with all that! Some of it is a ways away but just wanted to give you guys a good idea of what to expect from me. At the very least, I plan to be consistent with my output of music.

Matter of fact, I have something else lined up already...
Once my website is ready, I'll release it into the wild...

It's not quite jazz rouge, but it's weeby and sweet and I hope your guys will enjoy it:)

Anyway, sorry for the long first post! Chat soon!

Bow x