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Peaceful Morning Affirmations

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Hello, and welcome! 💗 I’m so glad you’re here. 🥰 My name

Peaceful Morning Affirmations
3 days ago - 8 likes

Happy Sunday, my beautiful friends! 💗🌸 I asked the angels what message we most need to hear for this week, and they are calling on us to be ‘Angels of Kindness’ and to give to others without any expectation of recognition or reward. This week, think about how you can be kind and generous to the people around you. We are all definitely in need of some loving kindness these days! I am sending you much love and light this week! 💗✨🙏🏻

This card is from the “Angel Feather Oracle” deck by Michelle Newten.

Peaceful Morning Affirmations
1 week ago - 15 likes

Happy Sunday, my lovely friends! I asked the angels what message you most needed to hear this week, and here is what I received: Abundance is on the way to you! Abundance could mean money, but it could also mean gifts of things like opportunities, assistance, or celebration. Remember to keep a grateful, open heart. 💚

I hope you have a beautiful week, filled with abundance of all kinds. ✨

PS—This card comes from the Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine. Radleigh is one of my favorite spiritual teachers on angels. If you’ve never watched one of his videos or read his books, I highly recommend them!

Peaceful Morning Affirmations
1 week ago - 9 likes

Happy Saturday, dear friends! 💗 I am wondering how I can serve you better. Please let me know what kinds of affirmations you would like to see more of! If there is something that’s not in the poll, please leave a comment.

Also, I would love some feedback, even if it’s constructive criticism. Please be honest! What can I do to improve? How can my videos be better? What works for you? What doesn’t? I can’t improve if I don’t know what needs fixing.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support so far! I truly appreciate you! ♥️

Peaceful Morning Affirmations
1 month ago - 5 likes

Happy Sunday, my loves! It’s time to set an intention for the week. What do you most want to do next week? Feel free to leave a comment if nothing resonates.

I am in desperate need of getting organized! My house looks like a hurricane blew through it. 😂

Have a wonderful week! ♥️

Peaceful Morning Affirmations
1 month ago - 5 likes

Hello, beautiful friends! 💗 It’s Set Your Intention Sunday! What would you most like to focus on this week? You can also leave a comment if you don’t see an option that resonates with you.

My intention is still going to be to get to bed at a decent hour. I failed pretty miserably last week…so I’m just gonna try again!

How did you do with your intention last week?

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday and week ahead! 🥰🤗

Peaceful Morning Affirmations
1 month ago - 10 likes

We have a mama robin who made her nest right above the light on our front porch. Just after Mother’s Day, her 3 little babies hatched. Look how much they’ve grown in just this past week! Mama and her babies have brought my family so much joy. We loved watching and waiting for them to arrive, and now we love watching them grow.

What is bringing you joy today? Let me know! ⬇️ Have a beautiful weekend! ☀️💗

Peaceful Morning Affirmations
1 month ago - 5 likes

Hello, my beautiful friends! Happy Mother’s Day! 💗🌸 If today is difficult for you, please know I am sending you love. 🙏🏻🤗

Today is also Set Your Intention Sunday. What would you like to do this week? If you don’t see your intention in the poll, feel free to leave a comment.

Also, how did you do with your intention last week?

I did well with mine! I went to pick up my son from college, and I managed to maintain my patience, even though our flight home was delayed and we didn’t get in until 1:30 am. I believe that setting an intention ahead of time made a big difference in how I dealt with that!

This week I want to set a bedtime of 10 pm and stick to it. We’ll see how that goes…😁

Let me know what you intend for your week. Whatever it is, I hope it’s full of peace and joy! 💗

Peaceful Morning Affirmations
1 month ago - 12 likes

Hello, my beautiful friends!! 💙 I was driving to pick up my daughter, and along the way I was listening to my affirmation recording for tomorrow’s video to make sure it sounded ok. I was behind this truck for most of the way!

The video contains 44 affirmations! ✨ 44 is also my lucky number, and I believe the numbers 44 and 444 are my angels telling me they are with me. 🥰

What angel numbers do you see frequently?

Tomorrow’s video drops at 6 am tomorrow. I hope you’ll tune in at some point. I think it’s going to be magical! 😀😉💫😅

Have a fabulous day! ♥️🤗

Peaceful Morning Affirmations
1 month ago - 5 likes

Happy Sunday, my friends! 💙 I’d like to start a new, weekly activity in the community space called “Set Your Intention Sunday.”

What are intentions, and why set them?
An intention is a clear statement of what you want to bring into your life. Setting intentions helps you to focus on what’s most important to you, to live mindfully, and to accomplish your goals. It’s a great way to move forward with clarity and purpose!

For me, writing out intentions is a good way to solidify them in my brain. If you’d like to write yours out here, I would love to read them! This would also be a good way for us to get to know one another better. And knowing your intentions will help me to create better affirmations for you! ♥️

For anyone who is too shy to comment, I’ll leave a few options in a poll, but please feel free to leave a comment with your intention (or intentions) for the week ahead.

Here are mine:
This week, my son is coming home from college! My intentions are to clean the house and make it a nice space for him to return to, keep my patience as I travel 🤪, and help him with his move as lovingly and patiently as I can. (I need to practice more patience in my life!)

What are your intentions this week? Please feel free to share! 💗

Peaceful Morning Affirmations
2 months ago - 10 likes

Happy Easter to all who celebrate! 🐇🌸💗

I landed in Paris this morning! It has been a lifelong dream of mine to visit Paris, so I am spending a week here to celebrate my 50th birthday. (I actually turned 50 on Christmas Day, but couldn’t get to Paris then).

My kids are off on their own vacations this week, so I decided to go with my good friend, Bridget.

I won’t be posting any new videos this week, but I will be posting new content next week. Please let me know in the comments if there is anything you’d like me to make for you!

Have a wonderful week, and I’ll see you soon! 💗
xo Tina