Is a swimwear company that started in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. CA-RIO-CA comes from the indigenous Tupi people of the great city of Rio.
Main Entry: ca·ri·o·ca
Pronunciation: \ˌka-rē-ˈō-kə\
Function: noun
Etymology: Brazilian Portuguese
Date: 1830
Carioca is a native or resident of Rio de Janeiro
We provide the highest quality of fabric with fashionable design to create our men's SUNGA/SWIMWEAR.
Our collection embodies the spirit and energy of Rio de Janeiro, and our swimwear is handmade in Ipanema Beach.
We are proud to offer our consumers a distinctive line of swimwear or that complements the male physique without being overly revealing.
CA-RIO-CA SUNGA CO., we offer our consumers a high quality swim and product that promotes their unique style, active lifestyle, and self-confidence.
We are the Brazilian style and bring that directly to you with our sungas. It's simpatico.