Occultist Gaming
(We started as Pogger Games and after finally finding our Logo Occultist Gaming was born.)
We love games and with our group you will get to see many different viewpoints from many different games. Our main focus right now is League Of Legends.
#TheSkullWolf is our #SupportMain, she plays mainly Sona, however you will see many moments with her trying and even failing at other champions.
#DexyDerp is our #ADCMain, he mains many champs from Teemo, Samira, and Senna.
#VisoredTrill is our #JungleMain, (Yet starting to become our Mid) When he plays JG you will get to see epic moments with Maokai, Warwick, and Kayn. During his mid experience you will get to see Veigar, Neeko, and many more amazing champs.