NUSA MACHINERY is the most complete, cheapest & reliable business machine manufacturing service in Indonesia. is a company engaged in the provision of MSME machines to Industrial scale including mining, culinary, agriculture, livestock, plantation, forestry, fisheries, and a wide selection of other categories. NUSA is here to provide solutions for your business equipment with our attractive range of products.
Nusa Mesin was founded by Mr Ahmad & Mr Joko produced by "PT Bisa Jaya Nusantara" with offices and manufacturing workshops in Temanggung, Magelang, Klaten, and Yogyakarta.
Our team has been in the world of machinery since decades ago and trusted by manufacturers with reliable technicians. This experience is the main capital for us to help you in realising the businesses that you desire can be realised and successful. So that the investment you put in immediately returns to become a reliable asset.
TELP/SMS/WA : 0821.3003.8003 - 0821.3003.9003