Hi! My name is Alexa. Welcome to Bloom and Wilt Gardens. I'm a home gardener in Northeast Ohio (zone6a). Like many, I have a busy life, career, and family and my health had been put on the back-burner. As a 30-something, I began to feel my life choices catching up to me. For the last 8 years I have been growing food in artistic style gardens, and now I am learning how through food and faith I can transform my body and lifestyle. My family is on year 3 of raising chickens in our neighborhood yard which has been a valuable learning experience.
The meaning behind the channel and garden name is this.. All living things bloom into beauty. In time they also wilt away. Through the fading, new breath is born up out of the earth and so life continues. Psalms 103:15 speaks about man flourishing like the flowers of the field but as the wind passes over it, it is gone and withered away.. I want to reflect and honor both the beauty and passing of life in all gardens.