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Ayden Stryker

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More from this channel (soon)

Ayden Stryker
2 months ago - 86 likes

Working on something a lot bigger than you think... ✨

Ayden Stryker
3 months ago - 44 likes


I wanted to go live sooner but I took an unexpected trip to the hospital n I've just been recovering from a painful n traumatic injury. I'm doing a bit better so I may go live later today. If I don't, I'll let you know when I go live another time lol.

Ayden Stryker
3 months ago - 25 likes

One of the most frustrating things that happen is getting so far into an animation, then it somehow saves improperly and ends up ruining the whole project, then saying screw it and wanting to delete it all, but then not being able to because you worked so hard on it, then being stuck between what to do. Someone tell me what to do. :')

Ayden Stryker
7 months ago - 92 likes


Ayden Stryker
8 months ago - 124 likes

Just practicing my physics and running animation. I'm really proud of how I did her skirt, tie, and hair. Also, this model is very beautiful.

Miku: 不沈空母

Ayden Stryker
8 months ago - 87 likes

Artist: Sakaruchibi.

Ayden Stryker
9 months ago - 60 likes

It's my birthday so Imma be gone for a bit.

Ayden Stryker
11 months ago - 67 likes

This year has unfortunately just been filled with nothing but death of our loved ones left and right and it really sucks. Angel's dog passed away earlier today due to some medical complications which resulted in making the difficult decision to put her down. If you could please do us a huge favor and donate whatever you can, and if you're unable to, just sharing the link around would help out a lot. Thank you. :'(

Ayden Stryker
1 year ago - 22 likes

Y'all doing anything for Pride or nah? Just curious.

Ayden Stryker
1 year ago - 175 likes

I ' M B A C K .

I'm still recovering from my surgery, it took a lot outta me just to make this but I pushed through. I miss animating alot. T T

It still might be a while before I post regularly again, but I'll still be working a bit here and there. Thanks for being patient with me. <3