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Endless Universe

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Explore the vast universe!

Endless Universe
4 weeks ago - 26 likes

Which type of stellar explosion is marked by a star dramatically increasing in brightness before eventually fading away?

Endless Universe
1 month ago - 11 likes

Which of these moons orbits the planet Saturn?

Endless Universe
6 months ago - 13 likes

Sending warm wishes of peace and joy this Christmas and prosperity in the coming year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Endless Universe
1 year ago - 11 likes

Do you believe in the theory of a multiverse? Why or why not?

Endless Universe
3 years ago - 123 likes

A self-contained separate reality coexisting with the real world is?

Endless Universe
3 years ago - 62 likes

According to the big bang timeline in your textbook, as the universe began to expand,

Endless Universe
3 years ago - 61 likes

Which of the following types of the telescope does not detect invisible radiation?

Endless Universe
3 years ago - 78 likes

One astronomical unit (AU) is equal to the distance...

Endless Universe
3 years ago - 59 likes

What is the red shift?

Endless Universe
3 years ago - 46 likes

What Is The Big Rip?

The cosmological model of the Big Rip is predicated on the notion that if the universe continues to accelerate in its expansion, it will eventually reach the point where all the forces that hold it together would be overcome by dark energy. Dark energy is the rather mysterious force that is predicted to make up 68% of the energy of the observable universe. If it overwhelms gravitational, electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces, the universe would literally come apart.

Disconzi's hypothesis says that a Big Rip can occur when dark energy will become stronger than gravity, reaching a point when it can rip apart single atoms. The professor's model shows that as its expansion becomes infinite, the viscosity of the universe will be responsible for its destruction. Cosmological viscosity measures how sticky or resistant the universe is to expanding or contracting.

If the Big Rip theory is correct, one day we could reach a moment when planets and everything on them will be torn apart. Then the atomic and molecular forces will be ripped open, electrons splitting from atoms, all the way down to the quarks and anything smaller.