Uncolored este o platforma ce promovează artisti la inceput de drum din Romania. A luat naștere din dorința de a crea doua “scene” minimaliste prin care aceștia sa își facă vocile auzite intr-un mod diferit. Jocul dintre cele doua fundaluri, alb și negru evidențiază genurile muzicale pe care le promovam. Asa a și luat nastere numele proiectuiului; din dorinta de a contopi doua genuri aparent opuse.
Uncolored is a music platform that promotes new music artists from Romania. It was born from the idea of creating two minimalistic stages for the artists, giving them the unique chance to present their music differently. The fight between the “light” and “dark” stage or the “black” and “white” emphasizes the two main genres that we are going to present. This is also how the name of the project was born.