馬太是園區工程師媽媽, 為了幫兩個兒子準備早餐, 踏入家庭烘焙的世界. 利用晚上下班和假日時間, 20幾年的早餐下午茶點心, 累積家庭烘焙的經驗. 馬太在這個頻道分享挑戰各種經典烘焙甜點品項在家自己做, 以及馬太自己開發的健康麵包蛋糕. 使用隨著季節更替的新鮮當季食材, 沒有添加物, 少用加工品, 健康養生是一定要的.
One working mother, in order to prepare breakfast and afternoon tea snacks for her two boys for more than 20 years, stepped into the world of home baker. She took the non-working time during evening and holiday, to accumulate baking experience at home.
She will share in this channel... Challenge to make at home that a variety of classic items of baker world. Develop healthy bread and cakes, by using the fresh seasonal ingredients that change with the seasons, no additives for sure, less processed products. Welcome to the Home Baker channel of Marko's.
This is a channel that also sharing Eat around, walk around, the world of Marko's.