Achintya Pregnancy Classes
For an expectant mother empowering her with the right knowledge of physical Fitness during pregnancy, Labor Positions, Labour, Delivery, Postpartum Recovery, Breast Feeding, Complimentary Feeding with continued breast feeding till 4 years and beyond helps her to become very confident in handling the new phase as she enters into Parenthood.
Social Enterprise on PrePregnancy|Pregnancy|LabourManagement|Fitness|RelationShip|Parenting|BreastFeeding|Breastmilk Donation
Joining a prenatal class helps her to socialise with the peer group. It builds the confidence in the mother for her Labor and delivery. Taking up breastfeeding counselling during pregnancy a pregnant mother will come to know the importance of breastfeeding the liquid gold to her baby and all the benefits for the mother and her baby which will empower her to become confident to handle the little one.