Hello everyone! I am Spotternation88 and I welcome you to my plane spotting aviation channel!
I have always loved aviation. I can remember playing little league baseball as a kid. My parents would have to yell at me from the bleachers because every time I would see a plane or helicopter, I would completely lose focus of the game until the aircraft had passed by. It was the excitement I would get by seeing such a massive man made machine being able to soar through the air. And to this very day, I get that same excitement I felt as a kid. So, I combined my passion of videography and aviation, and my channel was born. If you love aviation as much as I do, and if you sometimes find yourself staring at those beautiful birds flying by, then stick around. Browse my channel and check out my videos. I promise, you will not be disappointed. I hope my videos bring you happiness and that much more of a love for aviation.