Hey!!! Welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm U Madhumitha Vaishali shortly Madhu or UMV. Thanks for popping in.
In this channel, I create videos on Art & Crafts, DIY, Hauls, Junk Journaling, Organizing & Planning and lots more.
This channel was not created at the snap of a finger. It took lots of planning, brainstorming & my passion to share my creativity & ideas to you all. Through my videos, I want to help you all dedicate some time on creatively productive activities and inculcate good hobbies that will engage you to the creative skills that are hidden inside you. ;)
About ME - I'm a visual communication graduate who found love for filming & editing. I enjoy art and craft (my absolute favourite!) from childhood. Also, I'm a hoarder and I like keeping small bits & pieces of everything that I get in my day to day life in my junk journal(which you will see in my JUNK JOURNAL WITH ME videos).
Let's become friends & family. Subscribe to this channel.
Thank You so much!