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HELLO FELLOWS This channel is for passion projects, like evo

10 months ago - 429 likes

HEY EVERYONE if you wanna listen to me talk live, then:
I'm gonna be on The First Podcast literally right now, July 21 at 6:45pm! You can join the Discord server and ask me questions as we go:

2 years ago - 960 likes

Prisoner's Dilemma Tournament update: So, I have results that I could share!

In the end, 1,468 of the total 1,615 strategies passed all four requirements: 1) was a .py file, 2) ran against the default 9 strats in under 10 seconds, 3) didn't do anything nefarious, and 4) never crashed when paired up against any other strategy. Including the original 9 strats means the entire working roster has 1,477 contenders.

However, due to a 1477*1477 matrix having over 2 million entries (1 million bc of symmetry), and some of those entries taking >1 second to run (most are faster), each single "full-pass" takes 8-10 hours to run. I've done 2 "full-passes" so far, and the top strategies on the leaderboard move around n spots, where n is maybe 20% of their rank (so if they're 30th, they might end up 24th the next round.) #2 moves, but #1 does not. This is also because hundreds of strategies scored very close together. Yes, I'm aware there are many ways to optimize, including multi-threading, caching, and more. However, since I'm already confident the top spot won't ever move, I'm wondering how necessary it is to run hundreds of full-passes.

My main dilemma (haha) is this:
If I tried to get the results out as fast as possible, I could get the video and the prize money out in a day or two! It would have to be an unedited, OBS-livestream style discussion. On the other hand, if I were to make a more polished video with more polished data, it might take months. (I envisioned displaying the data in a 3D environment with fancy transitions and animations to make the dataset feel like a new continent being explored. Also, I planned on calling every participant who did anything interesting, to include that in the video, but that would be a big logistical task!) I know many people would side with "quality over quantity" (meaning wait for a polished video), but I do think quick-n-easy argument is valid. It would suck to enter a tournament and not know the results for months, just so Cary could make his pretty scatter plot to pulsate... (like, does anybody even care if a graph pulsates, versus being a still image?) So, what do you guys think?

Also, if you're wondering why I posted this as a YouTube community post instead of a Github issue, my last GitHub issue only got 2 comments. So, in the interest of this post reaching as many participant's eyes as possible, I'm posting it here! (If I ever do future tournaments, I'll agree on a singular announcement location beforehand lol)

3 years ago - 322 likes

Hey everyone, I bet you've seen Neil Halloran's famous documentaries like "The Fallen of World War II". (They're some of the best-animated data visualizations that exist online, in my opinion!)

Well after working on it for years, he released his newest video on the data of climate change, and I really recommend going to check it out! It really feels like you're watching a movie in a theater, instead of any old silly memey YT video:

And no, I'm not being paid to say anything, and I don't have any connections, I just really think this video should be boosted more because it's about such a pressing issue worldwide. It deserves more recognition, so let's see if we can get it to a million views and beyond!

3 years ago - 574 likes

Hey guys I switched twitch accounts, SO YOU NEED TO JOIN THE NEW ONE so it can overtake the old one! 100% URGENT:
EDIT FROM THE FUTURE: As of 2:52 AM PST, (the stream was 4:20 long), I am no longer live on Twitch anymore.
I'm live RIGHT NOW so you better join in. I'm doing nothing except playing weird games with DemiPixel 😛

3 years ago - 2.2K likes

oh my god, I just uploaded a video to this channel, that I meant to put on Humany (my secondary vlog channel). That's so embarrassing. And it's also 5 AM here so I should just go to bed.

...I just made it private.

I am so embarrassed oh my godddddd (i kinda thought this mistake would happen at some point in my YouTube journey ever since I started having multiple channels, but not now ughghghghgh)

3 years ago - 813 likes

I just started my Twitch account!
I'm live RIGHT NOW so you better join in. I'm doing nothing except talking to Jabril, so... essentially nothing 😛 (I'm not live anymore, as of 11:43 PM PST)

3 years ago - 3.4K likes

Hello everyone! I just wanted to make this as clear as possible: I am always cool with you guys creating your own versions of my games and projects. Go for it, try to make Elemental 4 or 2 or Virus Simulator 2, on your own! The whole reason I share these projects is because I think they're fun, and the internet's way of innovating and modifying cool projects is always awesome to watch :D So don't worry about any "intellectual property" laws, or getting on my bad side by "stealing from me".... If anything, derivative works of any of my projects are honestly flattering that you think my concept is worth investing your time in!

Earlier today, I wrote a super-long essay about why I didn't think it was fair that recreational-game-development-video-creators (RGDVC) are held to this expectation that every new project is constantly maintained, whereas every other video genre, like makeup gurus or family vloggers or trickshotters, can just upload a video and be done with it. I didn't like how people were calling me a scam artist because my 2011 Flash games no longer worked, or a traitor who had betrayed their childhood, or they'd make live counter after live counter of how much time passed since my last update to some obscure project.

But, I decided that essay was too boring and whiny, and the people who harass me would do that regardless. Ranting about negativity often spreads more negativity, so I won't post it. However, here was the main idea:

[[[ Coding projects online is like this: I'm planting a new tree every few weeks. While they're still the weakest tree, I will water them with as much care as they need, but once they can live a life of their own, I will move onto the next tree. This way, I get the opportunity to plant as many trees as possible with the finite time I have left on this planet (maybe 50 years). This is the strategy I prefer. I don't want spend my life perfecting a single idea (then I'd still be focused on my first game, "Triangular Rushhour", and then BFDI and Scale of the Universe would never exist), I'd rather get as many ideas from inside my head to outside it as possible.

If there is a growing community surrounding one of these projects, that means that there's both growing *demand* for that project, but there is also a growing *number of creative people* in that community who can help satisfy that demand with their own creations. Not just me. In theory, the two should grow proportionally to each other. Although nobody can exactly replace the original creator (especially in lore-heavy projects), they can at least keep the community self-sustainable, even if the creator vanishes. ]]]

I know this sounds kinda like a giant cop-out to avoid being held responsible for bugs, and perhaps that's partly true. (oops that's embarrassing) But since there's one of me and half a million of you, I'm just hoping the creative juices, skills, and attention can be spread over everyone a little more equally! For example, I linked to u/janispritzkau's version of Loopover ( over my own, because I think their version is cleaner than mine. Same is true for TWOW spreadsheets or the Stick Figure Poser. This is one of the reasons I'm so grateful I have an audience with skills like that, you can fill in the gaps I don't know how to! But I hope that means that the burden of producing the highest-standard quality across all my projects, all 260 of them or whatever, is not completely on me. I'll be the trunk that holds the tree in place, and you guys can be the leaves and flowers that reach ever higher! ew this is getting too poetic, so that means i gotta stop typing soon. Anyway, thanks for reading, and thanks for supporting my stuff in general!


3 years ago - 835 likes

Hey guys! Over the last week or so, you may have seen a bunch of math YouTubers making videos about their favorite #MegaFavNumbers (numbers above 1,000,000).

Well, I'm not quite a mathematician, but I am a YouTuber! And although I have my own personal favorites, we really need to use the wisdom of the crowds to find the true, most favorite mega-number. So, I need your help.

Fill out this form please! It only takes 1 minute. If you do, your voice will be heard when deciding the most democratically-decided-MegaFavNumber there is!
(Also, this time, I made sure to only allow one response per user.)

3 years ago - 730 likes

hey guys I think I'm gonna speak at this really cool virtual event called "InternCon" (made by interns for interns), at 6-6:30 PM PST with other YouTuber lifeofluba:
I don't know much about it, but it's gonna be super exciting!

4 years ago - 966 likes

Hello everyone. I'm gonna upload a video here tomorrow, but in the meantime, check it out! In about 1.5 hours (6:30 PM PDT), I'm going to be part of a Twitch stream commentating an online speedcubing competition of sorts. If you're interested in Rubik's Cubes, or you just want to here me ramble about silly stuff for an hour or so, come check it out here:

Here are other links to the people who run this speedcubing livestream!

Our website:
Our discord server (for all up-to-date communications): Twitch Channel:
You can find us on all our social media: @CubersLive