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Welcome, Weebs! We are a gaming channel that streams and mak

1 day ago - 336 likes

Should I be allowed to fight for NUMBER 1 leaderboard spot in Anime Simulator? What if I use an alt with no Admin Powers T_T?

4 days ago - 388 likes

[AS] Development Journal #1: Today we finished adding release content and started working on bugs. Dysche introduced an Admin Nuke power that he made big enough to blow up a small island. We've then made it 10x bigger but it lagged the entire game. I am now considering it for a future [AS] Video to abuse noobs.

2 weeks ago - 274 likes

Video of Smash:
Image: Powers Ui

A sneak of what we been working on recently, balancing hitbox, adding sound effect and map destruction

2 weeks ago - 178 likes

So base on the last post, most people wanted a smaller pet model, which is great cause thats what we have in the game right now (though changing is not hard)

How about this one? Would you guys like pet/champs with a 'chibi face' or 'serious anime face'?

2 weeks ago - 218 likes

For my new Game, Would you guys want regular size pets/champs (like Afs) or 50% size (like Anime Adventures).
Not saying we're for sure making any changes but would like your opinions

1 month ago - 543 likes

I know many of you have asked for the release date for this game.

we CANNOT promise anything, because doing so before has resulted in delays and empty promises
All I can promise you is I AM TRYING MY BEST to bring back ORIGINAL AFS VIBES

Feel free to ask questions on our discord:

1 month ago - 434 likes

Sorry, I know that I Was meant to come back more actively but I've spent the last month working on a NEW Anime game to bring back AFS Vibes. I hope this time around it will work out and we CAN bring back the GLORY DAYS

P.s This IS NOT a tower defense game, This is an ANIME SIMULATOR game

2 months ago - 468 likes

Sonny came home a week ago, he is now in a comfortable resting place in our bedroom next to his sister (whom passed away few years ago). 2nd image is the last picture we took of him. This is the last community post for Sonny, as he will receive his last farewell on social media. Thank you for those who’ve sent prayers and good vibes. Thank you 🙏

3 months ago - 896 likes

On March 8th, Sonny passed away from severe kidney failure. Sorry, But I need a little more time.

3 months ago - 406 likes

Sorry for the recent gaps and length of times between videos/ streams. Sonny has been feeling very sick lately. He’s quite old and we’ve been taking care of him, he’s unable to hold down food, sleep well and walk for long. It’s quite a sad thing but please spare some of your prayers so he can have a few more happy and healthy days. I’ll be back asap