in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Sahabat Qurn Yuk semangat dalam belajar membaca Alquran. Semoga Allah senantiasa permudah urusan dunia dan akhirat kita aamiin
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Semogaa senantiasa kita dan keluarga selalu dalam lindungan Allah, di mudahkan segala urusan nya baik di dunia maupun di akhirat.
Diterima segala kebaikanya di lipat gandakan pahalanya. Dan di ampuni segala kesalahan nya. Kelak mendapatkan syafaat baginda nabi besar muhammad saw. Aamiin
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bismillahirahmanirahim praise be to allah lord of the universe, salawat and greetings may always go to the great prophet muhammad salallahualaihi wasalam
His friends and their families and we as people hopefully get intercession in the hereafter
May we always be protected by Allah
We will fill this channel with content that is useful for all of us . my brothers and sisters, please allow me to support our channel
I hope your support becomes a field for all of us to experience yarabbal
Instagram : kelasbelajar_alqur'an