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Kara Blueberryheart

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。⁠*✿ Click me! ✿⁠*。 Hi there, welcome to my channel! I'm Fa

Kara Blueberryheart
3 days ago - 7 likes

My next RRP video should be out this week! I just need to record the voice lines and then it'll be ready to go!

Kara Blueberryheart
1 week ago - 7 likes

‪@FairyAgents‬ : Get ready for the return. <3

Kara Blueberryheart
2 weeks ago - 10 likes

Spoilers? 👀

Kara Blueberryheart
4 weeks ago - 5 likes

New content coming soon, just gotta give me a little because loss of motivation is kicking me hard rn. <3

Kara Blueberryheart
1 month ago - 10 likes

Hey everyone! I thought i'd share some updates on what's been going on with me! A few weeks ago I decided to leave TWC due to it just not feeling where my place was anymore! It was definitely really hard but it's been for the best! I joined Ocean Agents on April 28th, and they've honestly been great! It's more laid back and i'm loving it. I haven't has as much motivation to do rrp stuff as of recently, but I do plan on putting some more up soon! I've definitely enjoyed the unscheduled break from Youtube, but i'm excited to get some more videos up soon! For probably the next 1-2 weeks it'll probably be photo edits, but we will honestly see! Thank you! <3

Kara Blueberryheart
2 months ago - 9 likes

Hey everyone! Should I extend the deadline for the edit comp? If I haven't commented on your video yet, please comment here as well I think the hashtag is broken (thank you YouTube). If I did extend the deadline it'd probably be to April 20-25th.

Kara Blueberryheart
2 months ago - 6 likes

Another update on my Dad (Prayers being answered. <3)

Okay sooooo- i'm in alot better spirits writing this, because my Dad's been getting alot better since he's been transferred! They removed alot of the stuff he needed and he should be getting transferred out of the ICU in the next few days! For the first time in weeks I got to actually talk to my Dad (I'll be honest i'm trying not to cry rn). He sounds really rough but he's doing alot better. Thank you all for the prayers for my Dad, please keep them coming as he's improving, but he's still got long ways to go! Thank you, bye! <333

Kara Blueberryheart
2 months ago - 6 likes

Let's talk.

So as I have said before, my Dad's in the hospital. He's been having good and bad days but the past few have been very, very bad. He is getting transferred to another hospital better fit as we speak, and i'm home with my older sister "babysitting" me (I'm just not allowed to be left home alone at night, i'm good with being by myself though). I'm going to TRY and have another rrp video out soon however I haven't had the energy to due to being stressed about my Dad. Thank you all for your patience! Just keep praying, and if you have any questions just comment and if i'm comfortable answering the question, I will. Thank you!