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Melon Man the small artist

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Hello and welcome to my channel Recommend age group: 13 and

Melon Man the small artist
1 hour ago - 1 likes

Creepsters babies part 11

Vulkuruptt: A small lizard creature with a volcano for a head. He doesn’t do much, or make a lot of noise, but he’s very chill to be around with.

Zeadolon: A baby ghost cultist who’s true appearance is covered by his robe. He’s mysterious but adorable at the same time.

Magglatch: A tiny worm who’s like a living garbage disposal. He’d eat just about anything.

Pipespore: A tiny tree creature still rooted in the ground. He’s infected with fungi and mushrooms. He spreads the spores by playing out of the two but mushrooms sprouting out of his back, making what sounds like a bagpipe.

Melon Man the small artist
2 days ago - 4 likes

Who’s your favorite of the Wave 5 ethereals?

Melon Man the small artist
2 days ago - 6 likes

Creepsters Babies part 10

Terrantula: A tiny little spider that still lives inside his egg. As the single creepy elemental, he loves spooking his peers, but sometimes ends up scaring himself.

Spotiy: A derp in all her prime. She’s extremely clumsy and dopey, but just oh so adorable, despite her creepy element. She also has a habit of staring at other monsterlings.

Fiddlemuk: Though she’s genderless, she has the class and personality of a young little girl. She’s shy and lazy, but adorable.

Fiendoll: A mischievous baby doll demon who loves to scare. He does a better job at terrantula, because of the element of surprise.

Melon Man the small artist
3 days ago - 15 likes

Made humanized versions of my characters because I was bored

Melon Man the small artist
4 days ago - 7 likes

Here’s Snako’s relatives.

Patty Python: The Mother of Snako. Shes very loving & caring to Snako, and Snako’s siblings. She encouraged Snako’s interests and passions, and is a genuinely good mother. Though her relationship with Her (Now ex) Husband Raxxon.

Raxxon: The father of Snako. He’s the complete opposite of Patty; a narcissistic jerk who barely cares about his wife and his children, especially Snako, who he actively despises. He’s cheated on Patty, which lead to their divorce. And he somehow managed to convince the judge to put custody of his children, much to Patty’s dismay; for she has been also fed up with the way he treated they’re children. Snako eventually ran away to his friend Rudy’s house, where he permanently stayed until he grew up, which also encouraged his siblings Olive and Ernie to do the same, and run away to Patty’s house.

Ernie: Ernie is very soft spoken and shy. The divorce affected him the most. He couldn’t find a good job, due to his lack of willingness to be in public, so he had to resort to being an artist… an nsfw artist… yeah… disgusting yes, but it was his only choice because people barely acknowledged his non perverted artworks. At least it makes him good money. Though he feels guilty that nsfw is what makes him the money. At least he’s still respected by his peers.

Olive: she’s the sister of Snako and Ernie. She’s relatively carefree and peaceful, and is genuinely sweet. She actively stays in touch with her family, with the exception of her father for obvious reasons. She is also engaged with an anthropomorphic Hedgehog, which her father hates, as well as Snako being engaged with Annabelle. He’s kinda like that one racist dad who’s angry that his daughter is dating someone not white.

Duri: He’s Olive’s fiancé. Though him and Olive are two completely different species, they love each other Very much. He’s chill and laid back, but productive and friendly.

Melon Man the small artist
5 days ago - 5 likes

Next up in the City or Cropar roster is a character that’s makes very few appearances in the city of Cropar, but makes one major appearance at some point in the series. He’s a godlike being in a pocket dimension between heaven and hell. A mystic dimension that has a number of circles of the dimension , each with three parts that are ruled over by a powerful being.


Age: 87 Years old
Species: Enigmatic godlike dragon being
Gender: Male
Voice: J. Micheal Tatum
Birth date: Unknown

Have toy ever thought that there could be dimensions that exist beyond human comprehension? Well, what if I tell you there is. There is a dimension that no human is aware of, and it exists in an upper plain of existence. In said dimension, there are six rings of territory that has three parts, each ruled over by an individual of higher power and Monarchy. And There’s a section in a ring that’s mainly populated by Dragons. That’s where the legendary Gabrellis steps in. He rules one of three parts there. He’s the youngest of all the monarchs. Once an individual gets deemed worthy of taking over they’re territory and part of they’re ring, they can’t age anymore, only dying if they are killed by other circumstances. Gabrellis is very flamboyant and spunky, and also quite laid back. He sometimes can’t figure out how to handle some situations, due to how young and inexperienced he is. But, what makes up for it is that he’s extremely generous. He helps his followers out as much as he can, and is one of the least strict when it comes to rules. He is also a very powerful fighter, even with a small percentage of his true power. He’s also one of the few of the Monarchs who’s aware of the existence of humans. He observes earth very often, and liked to watch the activity of humans, like watching a colony of ants in a tank. Cropar is one of his favorite places to observe due to the consistent hijinks that happen there. Almost like a cartoon…

Fun facts:

Gabrellis used to be based off Ghazt from My singing Monsters.

He makes a very minor appearance in the city of Cropar, but he has a major role in.. another show…

Though he likes to watch earth, he dislikes a lot about how earth has changed over the years. Like Racism, global warming, war, discrimination, animal extinction, etc.

Gabrellis stopped aging at 22.

Melon Man the small artist
6 days ago - 10 likes

It’s pride month so I decided to make a little something for a little representation. Hope you like it.

Melon Man the small artist
6 days ago - 7 likes

The Third batch of monsters for Tales from the Shattering is out. Go check it out if you haven’t already.

Melon Man the small artist
6 days ago - 1 likes

My Next batch of my msm fangame monsters is almost done and will most likely come out tomorrow. What equivalent would you want me to do after that? (Note: This will apply to MSM in my artstyle)

Melon Man the small artist
1 week ago - 10 likes

Next up in the City of Cropar Roster is a velociraptor that was revived from a fossil and became sentient. He liked boxing because he likes the idea of beating up humans, so he made a career out of it.


Age: 28 (In velociraptor years)
Species: Revived Sentient Velociraptor
Gender: Male
Voice portrayal: James Monroe Iglehart
Revival date: September 24th

Have you ever heard the term “a blast from the past”? There’s one resident of Cropar that represents that term perfectly. Volucc used to live in prehistoric times as a non-sentient velociraptor, until he died after falling in a tar pit and suffocated. Many many MAAAAANY years later his fossil was uncovered underground where the tar pit used to be, and was brought to the alien scientist Professor Travis to revive it. It didn’t take too long to Travis to make a machine that can revive the fossil. He used it on the fossil, and Volucc was reborn. After several weeks of testing, research, and experiments, The Velociraptor became sentient and learned human behavior like talking, dancing, reading, and writing. He grew a personality as well, being very Brash, tough, and not afraid to speak his mind. He watched boxing matches on TV in his time, and was inspired. He liked the idea of beating shmucks up and being praised for it, so he decided to sign up for the annual Cropar Boxing Club. Volucc, who went by the alias of “Feathered Fury” quickly became one of the most unique, popular, and powerful fighters, due to being a dinosaur revived from a fossil, and due to his quirks, such as his agility and strength. He also made friends with some other residents of Cropar, like Cooper, Klyde, and Tombot. He doesn’t remember a whole lot about his past life back in the Late Cretaceous period, but he does remember how he died because of suffocating in a tar pit , causing him to be very claustrophobic. Also he’s very scary if angered, retaining some of his primal instincts of his past life. So if you don’t want to become a snack, don’t do or say anything that will make him mad.

Fun facts:

His personality was different. He used to be very serious and emotionless, but i decided to change his personality because i like it better. Also he’s more interesting to me now.

He does not get most sexual innuendos.

He doesn’t like eating chicken, mainly because he’d feel like he’s a cannibal due to chickens being descendants from dinosaurs.

His feathers fluff up whenever he’s exited, scared, or angered.