Hair Transplant Reality is all about Hair restoration & Hair Transplant info that you need to know before you do a hair transplant! It will be a 100% Real behind the scenes of my Hair transplant journey including monthly hair growth updates and my experiences & tips & tricks on how to keep your hair fuller & healthier I will do product reviews also! I launched my own epic "Elite Hair Fibers" heres an amazon link it helps alot click HERE to see on amazon
or go to use code EHF25 for 25% off!
FANS can email me questions at
Alot of you ask who did my surgery Dr Panine of Chicago Hair Transplant clinic did my work he's amazing feel free to Call DR Panine for a FREE consult at 312-888-2385 tell him I sent you he may give you a discount who knows im still trying to negotiate one for my fans :D or check out his website at I chose FUE but he performs FUT also!