Trees and forests are the anchor for healthy environments around the world, turning sunlight into the resources that all life needs to thrive. In the past 10,000 years, global tree cover has been cut in half and the consequences to climate stability, soil and food availability, watershed integrity, wildlife and humanity have been devastating. Replanting these trees is the most dynamic, adaptive, and affordable solution to the overwhelming challenges we now face. Trees Are Awesome offers educational and inspiring content as well as a way to help plant trees for *free* and for as little as 15¢ per tree – micro-crowd funding our way to a thriving future. There is no need to wait to turn a new leaf on our many environmental and humanitarian challenges. We can act NOW. Like a forest fire in reverse, with your help, tree planting can sweep across the face of the Earth, greening as it goes.
*Plant trees for FREE by going to to plant trees while searching the web.