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Rodrigo Gonçalves

13K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Aprenda a criar aplicativos Android e iOS com React Native.

React Native with "use dom" in practice! Rendering React DOM Components with Expo Screen Prototyping - UI/UX Tips Routes and parameters in Expo Router 34 Rodrigo Record part 3 Record in TypeScript learn how to use it in practice 33 Rodrigo Record part 2 Record in TypeScript learn how to use it in practice Typescript: Record (parte 1) Creating a product: SQLite in React Native! 27 Rodrigo Finding DB file How to use SQLite in React Native with Expo 11 Rodrigo Config routes stack part2 Expo Router Guide on where to start Configuring Routes with Stack Menu - part 1 Conditional on save button 17 Rodrigo Creates project with expo stack The most configurable way to create React Native + Ex ... 18 Rodrigo Configs firebase The most configurable way to build React Native Apps + Expo Partial no TypeScript 16 Rodrigo Chamada expo stack The most configurable way to build React Native Apps + Expo 25 Rodrigo Product Search How to use SQLite in React Native with Expo 30 Rodrigo TS optional property Partial in TypeScript simplify your code 15 Rodrigo icon in the specific component Cursor the code editor with AI that WRITE THE CODE p 23 Rodrigo Validates if it is number How to use SQLite in React Native with Expo 14 Rodrigo Redirect Expo Router Guide on where to start 29 Rodrigo Pick Multi Pick in TypeScript everything you need to know Defining parameter to be sent by the route file 21 Rodrigo Omit in practice How to use SQLite in React Native with Expo The Pick function in TypeScript! Configuring SQLite - part 02 Configuring SQLite - part 01 Adding Header and Footer to Routes Route Layout with Expo Router Defining default typing with Generics - Typescript Typescript: Difference between Generic and Union Creating an AI-powered chat header in React Native Navegação Imperativa com Expo Router TypeScript: keyof TypeScript: Reaproveitando a tipagem utilizando "typeof" Não utilize templates prontos, coloque em prática o que você aprende. Filter CSS no React Native Testando o boxShadow no RN Programador estudando design? Novidade nas propriedades de estilos no React Native Refatorando um componente utilizar a IA do Cursor Inspecionando elementos com o DevTools! A semelhança entre as tags "link" e "a". O hábito de procurar referências visuais. React Native se aproximando da Web! A sintaxe e as convenções do generics. Criando um botão a partir de um link | React Native Chat em React Native usando IA (parte 02)