Live Deer and Wildlife Cam & Live Weather! Located near Lake Alan Henry, Justiceburg, Tx !
The wildlife are most active early evening through the overnight hours.
Wildlife include: Whitetail Deer, Wild/Feral Hogs, Rabbits, Skunks, Raccoons,
Wild Turkey, Quail, Dove and other birds. Our feeder is currently set to distribute
corn at: 1am and 5am & 8pm and 9pm. (Central Time Zone)
Early Spring is usually fairly slow at our feeder.
#wildlife #wildlifephotography #whitetaildeer #whitetailbucks #whitetaildeer #coyotes #feralhogs #wildhogs
#raccoons #cottontailrabbits #badgers #skunks #turkey #wildturkeys #quail #dove #weather #liveweather
#livewildlife #wildlifecam #lakealanhenry #justiceburgtx #garzacountytx