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Baby Queen

77.2K subscribers - no pronouns set

it’s all so tedious when you are a kid genius

Baby Queen
5 months ago - 684 likes

QUARTER LIFE CRISIS is really close to being a TOP 5 UK debut album. the only thing that counts today is iTunes downloads.

£4.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know what to do. FINAL PUSH. THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WILL BE ANNOYING EVER if you buy my album for £4.99 i will never say anything annoying ever again. it’s a really good one time deal. I LOVE YOU THANK YOU ETERNALLY ❤️

Baby Queen
6 months ago - 551 likes

my first album is in the top 10 in the UK at number 7 WHAT THE FUCK. i have been having the most extraordinary week of my life. thank you for all of your support. i’ve read your messages and i’ve seen your posts and i feel so much love and so much warmth from you all and i’m just so fucking grateful and so happy that this record is resonating with you. to have moved from south africa to this country at 18 and to have been so embraced by the united kingdom is completely unbelievable. it’s going to be a really tight week next to little indie artists like the beatles and taylor swift and a fight to hold our spot in the charts or get it to move higher but we have a few more days to make a difference and i really need your help.

the most cost effective way you can help is by buying the album as a CD or a cassette from my official UK store. this counts a lot more than streaming, so for those of you who usually stream your music, please consider buying a physical copy.

if 1000 people who usually stream albums bought a physical copy, it would change the game entirely. for those of you who have already bought the album, thank you so much. if you can pick up another copy i would be eternally grateful. if you can’t, you have helped me already and i cannot thank you enough. the cut off for the official UK charts is 8pm gmt on wednesday for physical copies and thursday for downloads.

link to the store >>

also tag someone in the comments you think should buy this album.


all my love, your friend bella

Baby Queen
6 months ago - 427 likes

hello to my friends on the internet. i have come here to tell you that i am running a competition to give you a reason to buy my album if haven’t done that yet. okay friends so here’s how it works… you order any copy of quarter life crisis the album from the uk store before 8pm on wednesday the 15th of november and that will enter you in for a chance to win the following prizes (listed below)

first prize i will travel to wherever you are in the country no questions asked and i will play a gig for you and your friends at your party
second prize you will receive the white guitar from the cover of internet religion and the cover of the album. hand decorated by me the queen of literally every single baby in the world. a priceless artefact.
and then 10 runner up prizes which will appear to you in the form of a poster signed by me and @aliceoseman

and to think that literally all you have to do is go to select any version of the album slap it in your cart and checkout 😱

good luck i have never won a competition before but there is a 100% chance that somebody reading this post will achieve what i never could

Baby Queen
6 months ago - 411 likes

hello royal subjects i am coming to you live from my dressing room in liverpool to tell you that i’m partnering with banquet records to sign personalised copies of my debut album QUARTER LIFE CRISIS. i’ll write anything you want me to but will only be doin a limited amount so be quick! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Baby Queen
6 months ago - 480 likes

quarter life crisis the album is out now 👑

making music is like walking through the mist. the song doesn’t exist before you create it. you can’t touch it, you can’t pre-empt it. it’s only always possibly there, if you’re willing to pull it out of thin air. throughout my life, there have been songs that i have loved deeply and listened to on repeat, but nothing has affected me in quite the same way my favourite albums have. your favourite albums become soundtracks to periods of time in your life and they define entire eras of your past in a very visceral way.

i realised during this process, that it is incredibly difficult to predetermine what kind of thing you're going to create before you create it and that much of the creative process is allowing the thing you're creating to take its own form naturally.

really, you’re just winging it.

this album has been my obsession for the past three years. every single word in every single sentence is there for a reason. every single note and harmony has been overthought a million times. now it belongs to you. i hope it makes you laugh and cry and dance and reminds you that in amongst all the chaos and the pain and the confusion, life is really beautiful and worth living.

listen to it from start to finish with good headphones and then listen to it again.
thank you for being here. thank you for giving me purpose. i am so grateful.

baby queen

Baby Queen
8 months ago - 1K likes

i present to you: the limited edition quarter life crisis album artwork by alice oseman on vinyl and cd.

available to pre-order now >>

love you alice oseman ❤️

Baby Queen
8 months ago - 462 likes

baby queen’s bedroom sessions are on sale and baby queen’s bedroom is almost at full capacity !!!!!!! i can’t wait to hang out with you 👑

get tix:

Baby Queen
8 months ago - 1.1K likes

quarter life crisis, the title track from the debut album, is out this friday september 8th 🎂

Baby Queen
9 months ago - 976 likes

the first album QUARTER LIFE CRISIS is yours on november 10th. i’ve never worked harder for anything in my life. i’ve given every single part of me to this and i can’t quite believe i am here in this moment with you.

…AND the quarter life crisis tour kicks off this november!! uk pre-sale begins from 10am bst on wednesday + you can get pre-sale access by pre-ordering the album from the baby queen uk store before 5pm bst on tuesday. 💜

thank you for all of it. i will save my ramblings for a later date.

it’s time for me to find some new things to write about.
baby queen

Baby Queen
1 year ago - 162 likes

loads and loads of annoying things to see on my youtube shorts <3