Hi makkale
Spread positive
@ammaponnunga channel la enalam special nu pakalam vanga
1.Nama appan murugan special poojai video
2.Amma ponnunga settaigal
3.kovil darisanam videos
4.Enjoyment videos
5.bujji kutty school videos
6.Ammu kutty settaigal
7.En maganin murugan Abishegam videos(every tuesday potruvan)
8.Adikadi mini home tour vlog
9.All time any special videos
10.All devotion videos
Ellarum parthu Magizhungal 😋😊😄
Apadie nama channel ku oru like and comment and Subscribe panitu parunga😋😊😄Bujji kutty feeling happy unga subscribe count increase aguna😋😄😊👌💯💕pls love and support me and bujji kutty
பொழுதுபோக்கிற்கு மட்டும்
அன்பு ஒன்றே போதும்
ஆயிரம் தடைகள் திறக்குமே👍👍👍
If any copy rights
problems in my channel
pls inform
I will definitely delete
that video or any.
Pls don't action
copyrights strike..
This id is in a basic
Thank u...💐💐💐