I love designer goods, especially handbags, slgs and jewellery. I have an ever evolving collection of items which come and go and sometimes come back again, which I enjoy looking at and talking about! From Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Mulberry, Chanel to more contemporary brands like Florian and Marc Jacobs.
I aim to bring you weekly regular unboxings, reviews and whatâs in my bag videos.
I truly appreciate your support. If you enjoy my content please give the video a like and/or share and consider subscribing to my channel, it would really mean a lot to me (and prove my family wrong haha). I also enjoy feedback and love to chat so donât be shy, leave a comment, I will always reply. Be gentle with me, I am new here!
I would love to her from you. Please contact me:
Twitter: @LuxuryDynamo
Email: luxurydynamo@gmail.com
Lastly, I know that I am really fortunate to have these items and I take nothing for granted.
Take care and have a great day xx