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Ellie Fox 旅狐

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Hello everyone! This is Ellie Fox ! This channel is about Ja

Ellie Fox 旅狐
1 year ago - 71 likes


Long time no see! I am finally getting back to editing! Sorry for letting you wait months! Working life is tough 🤣

Ellie Fox 旅狐
1 year ago - 74 likes

トルコとシリアで恐ろしいことが起きました。大地震で多くの人命が奪われました。妹の夫がトルコ人で、彼の家族を訪ねるため、私はよくトルコによく行きます。私はこの国が大好きです。人々は歓迎してくれ、親切です。 これを見るために。 救助活動を支援したい場合は、ここで寄付することができます:…

Horrible thing happened in Turkey and Syria. A massive earthquake that took many lives. I go to Turkey very often because my sister’s husband is Turkish and we visit his family there. I love the country. People are welcoming and hospitable. It breaks my heart to see this. If you want to support the rescue operations, do not hesitate to donate here:…

Ellie Fox 旅狐
1 year ago - 134 likes

Merry Christmas everyone! I shot a video for today but I just found out the mike on my camera is messed up so I will have to reshoot and upload next week! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
みなさんメリークリスマス! 今日のためにビデオを撮影しましたが、カメラのマイクが壊れていることがわかったので、再撮影して来週アップロードする必要があります! 素晴らしい週末をお過ごしください。

Ellie Fox 旅狐
1 year ago - 128 likes


Ellie Fox 旅狐
1 year ago - 67 likes

埼玉のいい一日でした!It was a wonderful day in Saitama!

ご覧ください/Watch here:

Ellie Fox 旅狐
2 years ago - 91 likes


Ellie Fox 旅狐
2 years ago - 68 likes

Sorry everyone! I have been so busy this month that I still haven’t managed to finish editing on the next video. Wait a bit longer please !

Ellie Fox 旅狐
2 years ago - 64 likes

Instagramも是非フォローしてねー 😍
Follow me on Instagram too 😍

Ellie Fox 旅狐
2 years ago - 26 likes

Thanks for waiting

Ellie Fox 旅狐
2 years ago - 327 likes

桜の動画見てくれてありがとうございます!コメントすごくてびっくりしましたー♪ 一歩一歩でお返事します❤️ 動画のおばちゃんといい友達になったー! 
Thank you for watching the Sakura video! So many kind comments came, I am still in shock! I will reply one by one slowly! Grandma in the video was cute, right?