Hi! I’m Aarohi Chauhan, but you can also call me R.J. I am a newbie animator but I try my best to create atleast slightly entertaining sights for you. I will talk about my life, fun things, stories, and occasionally post some animation memes. The red and purple hearts represent that I like odd things that others would find weird, since less people put those two colors together. They are also my two favorite colors! My profile is red because out of all the storytime animators I watch, JaidenAnimations is my favorite and hers is purple. See what I did there? I do have a diffrent channel which I will write the name of if you want to see other animation memes and gacha videos. Enjoy!
Alt. Channel name: Aarohi’s Anything Fun and Shorts!
Creators who inspire me:
TheOdd1zout (is tht how its spelled?)
Infamous Swoosh