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Gaijin Baseball

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Videos on the history of Japanese Baseball for an English-sp

Gaijin Baseball
5 months ago - 95 likes

Hey guys.

For the last 6 months of my life Iā€™ve been dedicating myself to researching and putting together a long project. I tried to do this with my own mental health in mind, but I havenā€™t been able to do that.

Iā€™ve been trying my level best to make this whole thing work, but being a small creator and doing all this by yourself is incredibly taxing.

I am my own biggest critic, but thatā€™s gotten to unhealthy levels. I want to bash my head against a wall for something as small as a typo. Now imagine how I feel about the mistakes in my video that I know I canā€™t fix.
So I have to take a step back.

Iā€™m overwhelmed. This isnā€™t healthy anymore. Iā€™m getting more and more worked up and aggressive and I think itā€™s showing. Trying to balance this with trying to find work in Japan as well as trying to learn a language, and preparing to pick up my life and move was hard enough, but my car, which was my main tool for de-stressing, has just passed into the realm of ā€œunfixableā€, which is not only breaking my heart, but compounding my own mental health issues.

Iā€™m angry, tired and depressed to the point where things have reached the lowest point they have in a long while. I just donā€™t have it in me to edit 6 hour-long videos over the next 3 months, because thatā€™s not fast enough for me. I donā€™t like waiting myself, and I donā€™t like making people wait either.

Iā€™ve officially bit off more than I can chew. I shouldā€™ve learned that a long time ago, but I didnā€™t. Those of you whoā€™ve been with me since the beginning will remember the fact that Iā€™d initially planned to debut with a video on Sadaharu Oh that quickly got out of hand.

I canā€™t do a project this big. Not on my own, and not with no major financial incentive for me.
So itā€™s getting shelved until I can make it the way I want to make it. Maybe for a few months, maybe for a year. I donā€™t know.

Luckily the graphics series Iā€™ve been doing has led to quite a few video ideas, so Iā€™m not quitting entirely.
I just need some time to re-evaluate things. Iā€™m 26 now. Iā€™m not a kid anymore. Iā€™ve retreated into myself so much that I havenā€™t hung out with my friends in months. I need to stop myself before I go off the deep end.
Iā€™ll still be around on Twitter, spreading news and photos Iā€™ve found and making graphics and such. Iā€™ll still be on Reddit as well, doing the same.

But this is something Iā€™ve needed to do for a while now. I donā€™t have the mental fortitude to keep this up.
Writing this was exceptionally hard. I tried to stop myself from doing so several times.

But this had to be said.

Thanks for all the support you guys have given me. It means the world.
