Just a random guy who uploads youtube for fun.
spreading islam faster than big bang expansion or faster than scientist can keep up with inventions.
never stop learning - munger
Why don't I get youtube views rip :(
Youtube I need your help
my goal in life is becoming 1 percent better everyday. becoming gigachad :)
Thanks for the 40 subs :)
keep calm and start coding
no code no life
the key is innovating. You need to design revolutionary ideas that redefine the system --- nasa
anybody can get a job in nasa faster than speed of light --- nasa
we are gonna make it bros. keep working hard on coding/ gym. never give up.
everyday you code, you are one step closer to get a job at google/fang - arnold the terminator
frontend, api, backend - thats how internet works
hardware, operating system, software appliction - thats howcomputer works