This is Dr. Houyuan Luo's Youtube Channel. Dr. Luo is a Registered Psychologist (Counselling and Clinical Psychology) in the Province of Ontario, Canada and also a Certified Therapist in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) by the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies (CACBT). Dr. Luo is practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Please go to for more details.
这里是罗厚员博士的Youtube频道。罗博士是加拿大安大略省的注册咨询及临床心理学家(Registered Counselling and Clinical Psychologist)和加拿大认知行为治疗协会(CACBT)认证的认知行为治疗师。罗博士目前在加拿大多伦多执业。