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94.1K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hi, I'm Kristian! I live in Denmark and I do YouTubing and

3 years ago - 314 likes

While I no longer produce content on my channel I often go through my old videos and read the comments from you guys. I am truly fortunate that I had you watching my content and helping me grow the channel. For that I wanted to say thank you.

I often wonder how life would have been if I had chosen a different path in life. For now it is good - I hope yours are too.

4 years ago - 1.5K likes

Hey guys,

I think it is due time for an update on my behalf. For the last 6 months or so I have been trying to figure out which new path in life to take. I haven’t been streaming and I have only released a few videos. As some of you already know, I started a new business and it has been a great experience thus far; challenging, but very exciting.
Meanwhile, I have been pondering whether to return to twitch and/or youtube, but it isn’t an easy decision. Unfortunately, my interest in Path of Exile has dwindled to the point that I only just yesterday learned there was a new league coming out this weekend - and I don’t even feel like playing it.

Path of Exile was my hobby that I turned into work. I have more than 20.000 hours in the game and no matter how much I want to like the game, I just don’t seem able to anymore. I don’t want to stream or create content for a game I am no longer excited about, nor do I want to fake it and pretend I enjoy the game for the sake of YouTube $$$ - it isn’t fair to you and myself.
So why don’t I just stream a different game? As most of you probably know, changing game on twitch and/or youtube is not just “taking a step back” it is taking several leaps back in terms of viewership and engagement. Financially, that simply isn’t something I wish to put myself through again and in case my interest for Path of Exile one day resurfaces and I feel like releasing content again, I don’t want to have pushed away my current audiences.
What does this mean? It means that I won’t be releasing content or streaming until that natural excitement for the game returns. Instead, I will focus on my real-life priorities and the new business. For now, this makes me happier and it is much easier to balance a family life when all of your days isn’t spent thinking about builds or whether or not my daughter has picked the right passives as she levels up (she is almost level 2).

I am not closing any of my channels, the Discord server will remain open, but my own presence will at best be sporadic.

To me, the hardest part about this is trying to convey my gratitude towards you. A “thank you” for having been part of the last 5 years' journey simply doesn’t express how thankful I am for you being part of it. Along the way I have met a lot of amazing people, people I consider friends (whether you know it or not) and I hope that you know that even if we won’t be seeing much of each other moving forward that doesn’t change it for me. You will still be my friends and for that I am thankful.

Finally, I need to give a special thanks to the moderators, tutors, community manager, subscribers, patreons and YT members. You made this possible.

If I decide on returning at some point, I hope to see you then.

If you plan on playing in tonight's league I hope you will enjoy yourself.

Take care

4 years ago - 422 likes

Good morning gentlemen and gentlewomen.

I want to address the reason of my absence these days. I originally posted the following message on Discord, but for good measure I'll post it here too.

The reason for the late announcement is because I honestly haven't been able to give any concrete information until now.

About 2 months ago I started a new business (unrelated to Twitch and YouTube) and up and until now I have been completely consumed with the task of trying to make that work.
Fortunately, I can now say that I have managed to turn the business profitable (barely). I absolutely love starting and building new businesses, I love facing the challenges and learning from my mistakes (and there has been a lot of those).

Turning the new business profitable has taken up all my time and to be completely honest, I have enjoyed having my life focused around other stuff than gaming for a while. It has been a refreshing and very enlightening journey thus far.
I love gaming, and I will probably always remain a gamer, but I don't want my entire life to be limited to just that.

Moving forward I will be taking the time off this league (3 months) to focus on the new business and when the next new league begins I will be back continuing putting out videos unless I state otherwise.

I hope you understand that this is something I am doing for me, to evolve, to become "more". I am leveling up IRL. My absence is NOT because I don't like the YouTube and Twitch part.

While I have enjoyed the time away, I can honestly say that I often think about you guys who I know from the chat and comments.
I hope you are good and that life is treating you well.

I will still be playing PoE and be available on Discord, so feel free to reach out if there is anything.

Finally, I want to give a HUUUUGE thank you and mind-five to all of my subscribers. I have always told myself that I want to reach a 100.000 subscribers and you have made that happen. I can't tell you how proud I feel and thankful to you for allowing me to experience this. You are the best and I appreciate each and everyone of you.


4 years ago - 71 likes

Guild info:
The guild is free to join - everyone is welcome. I want to emphasize that we value polite and respectable people. People who don't know how to socialize and create drama will be kicked.
To join simply type your Path of Exile in-game name here as a comment or send me, my community manager Zensei or moderators on Discord a PM and we will get you in! You can also whisper me in-game at lnbcastonclit.

The first invites will be coming out tomorrow before league start and will be ongoing as the league progress!

In case the guild fills up (250 slots max) youtube members, twitch subscribers or Patreon's will be prioritized.

Have a great league start everyone!

Edit: First round of invites have been sent out.

4 years ago - 12 likes

For some reason, I decided to spend my entire day creating a list of gift suggestions for "him" and "her". If you are in need of inspiration for Christmas gifts then check out

What are you giving your partner for Christmas? I haven't fully decided yet, but I know for certain that I wish for one of those NES and SNES classic system I put in the "for him" category on the website.

4 years ago - 8 likes

I finally received my affiliate link so if you have been waiting or are considering purchasing ArcheAge Unchained you can help me out by using my link. It will at no cost to you support the channel, thank you!

4 years ago - 45 likes

If you are looking for a guild to join in ArcheAge Unchained you are welcome to join our super casual community guild "Wife Escaped BRB". If you decide it doesn't live up to your expectations then you are free to leave again, no hard feelings of course.
We are on Gildaron EU. Reply to this post with your character name and I will send an invite. The guild is led by Zensei, my community manager.

4 years ago - 84 likes

Hey guys!

Just a quick update. I am playing ArcheAge Unchained at the moment (Gildaron, Nuian). I plan on releasing several guides for the game as I am really enjoying the game so far.

Path of Exile is in a very subdued state at moment, I am under the impression that not a lot of people are playing at the moment, but are instead just waiting for the new league to launch. Am I the only one who thinks that?
My youtube analytics seems to support this idea. The Path of Exile content will of course continue, but I won't release much until there is new stuff to talk about.

If you would like to join the guild in ArcheAge then please let me know in the comments and I will send you an invite. We are as mentioned on the Gildaron server EU, Nuian alliance and everyone is welcome. It is a very casual guild mostly aimed at socializing so far.

As always a big thanks to my youtube members and patron's who keep supporting the channel. You guys are invaluable to me!


4 years ago - 21 likes

For anyone who has just gotten into maps or who are just about to this video might be a good idea to watch if you haven't already!
This will significantly increase the rate of which you can progress your Atlas

4 years ago - 11 likes

Guys are you finding the world of Wraeclast a lonely place to be!? For just $5 that can change. Join and become a member on this channel to get an invite to the EXCLUSIVE VIP Bro Guild where only the strongest women and fairest men join to talk about feelings and loot late into the early morning! of course also goes to support the channel and development of future content. Thank you guys!