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Hi I enjoy travel and seeing the world. Over the last 30

1 year ago - 52 likes

Good News, FUGA have just released their claims on my videos. It appears that posting on their Facebook Page works far quicker than the regular contact channels.

1 year ago - 69 likes

Hi, the future of this channel is being put at risk by a company going by the name FUGA who keep claiming my videos. I purchase the licence to use music in my videos from respected music providers such as , SmartSound, and ScoreFitter. FUGA have no right at all to claim any of my videos, because the music they are claiming is from ScoreFitter for which I own all the relevant licences to use. It takes a lot of time to find the details for videos I made in the early days of this channel to file a counterclaim, time that I should be using to create content. Most copyright claims are dealt with quickly, they are usually discovered by the YouTube Copyright Matching Tool, the supposed copyright owners are then informed about the copyright match. To be fair to all the decent companies out there they usually review and remove claims within a matter of days, if not hours, unfortunately there are the bad apples such as FUGA who never review the claims, meaning the video cannot be monetized until the claim is automatically removed after 30 days. This channel costs more to run than I earn from it, I do it because I enjoy sharing content with like-minded people, unfortunately FUGA are taking the enjoyment out of running this channel. I will hopefully get this problem sorted out, but in the meantime if this channel disappears it will be down to the lowlife at FUGA. Thanks for your support over the years, I really want to get to get to the bottom of this problem, because it simply isn't right that YouTube puts so much power into the hands of companies, who even if they are legitimate, chose to behave like unprincipled scam artists. Cheers. Tim.

3 years ago - 54 likes

After 14 months, I made my first trip out of the town I live in with my wife to visit our youngest daughter in London. Can't believe how long my hair has grown in that time. Our first taste of freedom was sweet, fingers crossed the UK will slowly return to something like normal. I hope everyone is keeping safe and well, wishing you all the best from Tim and Karen.

3 years ago - 27 likes

Thank you for your support and kind messages throughout the year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Tim.

3 years ago - 14 likes
I cannot contact Universal Music Polska, so I sought other ways to get the message across to them that I was unhappy with them monetizing my video, claiming that the sound track between 40:07 and 41:01 is - A Due for Rhodes Piano and String Orchestra Piotr Orzechowski, AUKSO Orchestra, M arek Mos
Clearly this is a mistake as the soundtrack is simply waves crashing on the seashore.

I posted on the above Facebook page asking them to remove their claim , I also messaged them. The post was quickly removed and I received no reply to my message and the copyright claim remains in place.

Now, it's not my place ask anyone for help, but the behaviour of Universal Music Polska is putting my channel at risk, should you wish to post on their Facebook Page, please feel free to do so.

I have also used the YouTube dispute procedure to remove their copyright claim. Such claims are usually removed within a day or two, this one has not been removed. As a creator, it is disheartening when something like this happens, I'd rather be filming and creating videos, not filing disputes. I have reached out to YouTube who agreed the sound track did not match the track Universal Music Polska claimed it was supposed to match. The polite confirmation Email YouTube sent to backed up our web chat, pointed out that my dispute was not with YouTube, but with Universal Music Polska who made the claim, technically that is true, but I wish YouTube would stand up for their creators against the likes of Universal Music Polska who should have their ability to claim YouTube videos removed for their persistent misuse of the "Content ID tool". This link gives an interesting oversight into how the world sees Universal Music Group -
My aim is to try to post one video a week, currently I am posting a series showing my recent tour of New Zealand. I have posted this video even though any advertising revenue it raises is currently being claimed Universal Music Polska, regardless of the fact that they had absolutely nothing to do with the making or editing of it. If It's not posted now the series will no longer be in order.

For anyone curious to know what the supposed matching track sound like, please click on this link and feel free to comment -

Thank you for your understanding and I hope you are all keeping safe. Best wishes. Tim.

3 years ago - 34 likes

Hi, I hope everyone is keeping safe in these difficult times and I'm sorry this week's video is late, UMG of Poland have decided to make a totally unfounded claim to the sound of waves crashing on the seashore in my latest video, claiming it is actually one of their artists piano music (doesn't say much for their artists does it?). To make matters worse they have not released their claim yet, You Tube allows them up to 30 Days to review their claim, not a good situation. Take care and stay safe. Tim

3 years ago - 39 likes

Hi, I"m sorry I"m not posting any new videos, my Sky Broadband has failed and no engineer is available until 11th September.

4 years ago - 33 likes

Hi, I hope you are keeping well in these difficult times. I try to answer all comments, although notifications are a bit erratic at the moment. If I haven't replied to your comment, please accept my apologies. Stay safe and Best Wishes. Tim.

4 years ago - 35 likes

Hi, I'm sorry the recent "Prague" upload has disappeared, I misspelled the name of the river, hopefully a replacement video will be available later today.

4 years ago - 98 likes