Danone Dumex (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (“Danone Dumex”) is a specialist in child nutrition and markets a range of innovative science-based and proven child nutrition growing-up products.
A winner of numerous awards including the 2008 Effie Award Malaysia for its ‘Ezy on Toddler’s Tummy’ Campaign and named the Best Brand - Growing Up Milk for two consecutive years at The BrandLaureate 2008/2009 and 2009/2010,
Danone Dumex is part of DANONE, a Fortune 500 company and one of the most successful health food companies in the world.
To find out more : www.mamil.com.my/
For quick tips and updates : www.facebook.com/DumexMamil
If you need further help, contact us : 1800 38 1038