This is my old trusty channel, made semi-famous for helping to put Christian the Lion into the public eye. :) I also upload random stuff from my life and hobbies from time to time. Enjoy other stuff I have uploaded or favorited, and feel free to drop me a line! Cheers!
And now for what I had originally put in here some odd 5 years ago:
Oh hey, cool! I didn't know you could put stuff here! DUDE! That's awesome! :3 I wonder iffin I can put artwork here... that'd be so rad. X3 I'm such a kid sometimes. ^_^ I'm 21 yet 10 on the inside. Funny.
Hey, wanna hear a joke? Okay, what did the blonde say when she was pouring Cheerios? "Oh, look, donut seeds!" ...based on a true story. ...Hey, I was 5, okay! Sheesh.
Well if you ain't the grand daddy of all liers! The little creatures in nature. They don't know that they're ugly. That's pretty funny!
Okay. I'll change this. I just wanted to see what happens when I try to write something like this when I've had 2 coffes in one day and only 5 hours of sleep. 8D