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Brendan Gillen

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Teaching you how to grow and scale your Shopify ecommerce st

Brendan Gillen
1 week ago - 7 likes

We are running our Mid Year Private Million Dollar workshop this week and I have a few guest passes to give away..

If your online store is trading over $10k per month and you want to get it to $1m per year, then this workshop could be a perfect fit for you.

If you want a pass.. comment the word 'guest' below... 🤟

Brendan Gillen
2 weeks ago - 2 likes

Let's get real about the impact of DIY Meta ad creatives with my own success story.

When Meta ads started blowing up years ago we would really just slap a photo of our product into a Meta campaign and pray for conversions.

Now, after years of learning more about Meta and ads, I've grown to understand the sheer importance of your creatives, offer and messaging.

Being an anti-agency guy, I knew I had to start creating and running my own ads to really be able to teach a successful strategy to my Elite members.

After months of creative trial and error I really began to understand the types of creatives that worked for not only myself, but other members in my Elite team.

So I developed the Meta Ads Creative Guide for Ecommerce which helped me and the members of the Ecommerce Academy consistently create a range of highly-engaging ads that now sit in my account ticking away and making me more money every single day.

Here's the proof to back it!

You don’t need to be a professional designer; you just need to apply your unique insights into your products and customers.

By doing so, you create ads that are not only cheaper to run but also more effective at driving sales.

Here's the proof to back it!

You don’t need to be a professional designer; you just need to apply your unique insights into your products and customers.

By doing so, you create ads that are not only cheaper to run but also more effective at driving sales.

I've dropped the link to the Meta Ads Creative Guide for Ecommerce in the comments.

Brendan Gillen
2 weeks ago - 6 likes

Creating and managing your own ads is about taking the driver’s seat in your marketing strategy.

It’s about ensuring that every dollar you spend on advertising is working as hard as it can to deliver results.

Whether you’re selling a product or building a brand, the right ad can make all the difference.

After all, its your money, your revenue, its the growth of your business..

It perplexes me how many businesses give so much control to agencies.

No matter how many 'discovery' meetings you have with them, they will never really know what makes your business tick, or what is really happening inside your business.

When you handle your own ad creatives, you get to make sure that every aspect of the ad—from the imagery to the copy, the product selection—aligns perfectly with your marketing goals.

And even more so.. aligns to your business goals.

You understand your audience, your business and your economics better than anyone, and with this knowledge, you can craft messages that hit home every time.

You will hands down always get better results than an agency.

With the right framework of course 😉

PS: I have created that exact framework..

Brendan Gillen
2 weeks ago - 4 likes

Just Get Going.

Then, Get Good.

Brendan Gillen
3 weeks ago - 5 likes

A few weeks ago I was invited to come and speak about AI at the Retail Fest in Brisbane, Australia.

I wanted to share how I was currently using AI to amplify all the operations and processes of my own ecommerce business.

Now, imagine your entire ecom running smoothly and on autopilot while you focus on what really matters—growing your business.

2 years ago I would have thought that this would never be something that I could achieve.

To get my business to where it is now, I would have needed much more staff, more time, and more money.

But with tools like ChatGPT, I can operate more smoothly while freeing up my own time so I can focus on growth and innovation.

ChatGPT isn't just another tool; it's like having an expert assistant handling your routine tasks, from writing product descriptions to crafting detailed marketing content.

It's like having unlimited resources that can help you with pretty much any digital based task..

If you haven't started taking it seriously and using it to make your business better... then you are already behind.

Brendan Gillen
1 month ago - 2 likes

OpenAI just announced "GPT-4o". You can now communicate with voice, vision, and text.

The voice model can even pick up on emotions and generate emotive voice.

You can pretty much talk to it like a real person.. 🤯

It can read an interpret any images in real time including screen recordings and what it can see through your phone or web cam..

I've uploaded a few demos of how it works..

#openai #chapgpt-4o

Brendan Gillen
1 month ago - 7 likes

Are you pouring too much cash into ads trying to attract customers to your site?

There’s a smarter way to boost your visibility and draw in traffic without constantly reaching for your wallet.

And it's something you don't hear the guru's talking about.

Because it's a bit of a 'boring' strategy that gets results slowly over time..

But hose results compound.. and over time you rely less on ads to get sales.

The smart way to do it.. is with SEO-focused blog content on your ecommerce store.

Why lean into SEO blog posts?

Because they allow you to cut down on ad spend and naturally pull in new customers.

By consistently creating keyword-rich content, you not only save money but also build authority, helping your site climb the ranks in search engines.

Using ChatGPT prompts are your secret weapon for crafting blog posts that are not only engaging but also optimized for SEO.

They help streamline your content creation process, making it easier than ever to produce relevant and authoritative posts regularly.

Finding the best prompts tailored to your niche, designed to kickstart your blog's growth will ensure you're never stuck wondering what to write about next.

Don’t get left paying for every click.

Start blogging on your ecommerce store.

#ecommerce #contentmarketing #blogs #shopify

Brendan Gillen
1 month ago - 8 likes

I had the pleasure of meeting Steven Bartlett ( ‪@TheDiaryOfACEO‬ ) few weeks back when he was in Melbourne, so I wanted to share with you a few of the key takeaways that I have and will be implementing in my life and business.

Hopefully you can resonate with these and try them in your own business.

1. There are 5 buckets to success and you need to have these filled with the right stuff, each of these can be filled at different times in your journey, but once they are all filled - success is almost guaranteed.

The buckets are: Skills, Knowledge, Network, Resources, Reputation.

2. Skill Stacking is the hack that sets you and your business apart. Acquire skills that may not be directly related to your industry, but help you shape the way you work and grow your business. Acquire as many skills as possible as you don't know what skill gives you your unique advantage.

3. Hunt for the 1%, big steps and leaps are hard, but the 1% is easy to do.. and 1% improvement compounds over time. Look for the 1% improvements in your business over time.

4. To truly scale your business, think about 'Who' not 'How' - you can't do everything on your own, look to work alongside mentors and people who have done what you want to do, then hire people who can get you to the next level.

And here are a few great quotes that I wrote down that will be helpful for anyone in business.

- The minute someone says no is when the negotiations begin
- Things that are easy to do, are also easy not to do
- 100% certainty only exists in hindsight
- The biggest cost is the time it takes to make a decision
- You have nothing to lose
- Failure is feedback, feedback is knowledge, knowledge is power

#business hashtag#entrepreneurship hashtag#doac hashtag#entrepreneur

Brendan Gillen
2 months ago - 2 likes

Getting your shopify store to be the top of the rankings for what you're selling is all about choosing the right keywords.

Keywords help your site become the life of the search engine party.

By fitting in the right words that people use to search, you make sure your site is the one they find first, not your competition.

But there’s a trick to it.

You can’t just guess what these magic words are.

It takes a bit of detective work to figure out exactly what your potential customers are typing into that search bar.

So I have developed a tool that helps you with that 'detective work'

It's called The SEO Keyword Planner - it's guided plan that you can use to identify your key words + it includes some paid and free sites you can use to find them.

It's personally helped me rank my stores as well as hundreds of the members inside my Ecommerce Academy

And guess what?

I am going to share it with you guys..

If you want a copy, drop the word 'keywords' down below and I will shoot you a link to download it.

Brendan Gillen
2 months ago - 6 likes

Ever wonder how some ecom stores always pop up first on Google?

It's because they choose the right keywords to rank for.

Think of keywords as secret codes that tell Google exactly what your site is about.

The problem with most stores is they try and rank for keywords that they 'think' people search for..

Or worse yet, they try and rank for industry terms that only they know.

It’s not just about being seen; it’s about being seen by the right people for the right search terms.

The ones who are looking for exactly what you’re offering.

This means not only more visits but visits from people who are actually interested in buying what you have.

This is super important because being at the top means more people click on your site.

And more clicks?

That means more chances to show off what you've got and make sales.

Plus, you get to save money on ads because your site is doing the heavy lifting by being where people are looking.

So, focus on ranking your site for keywords that your customers search for.. not just what you search for.