We are renovating an old French farm house using lots of traditional materials i.e. lime. wood. Tomette tiles and slate. We will be making as much if not all that is needed to complete the project like making the doors windows staircases plastering with lime & horse hair and hot limes. also taking you on journeys around our area in Normandy to local Brocante's places of history like very old Abbeys towns and villages as well as live chats and meeting local people and friends we have made, popping into other youtubers videos who have become our friends too, we will incorporating crafts we do as well showing how we do things like small cooking vids and Tracy's soft furnishings crochet and knitting projects my Bee keeping system and boxes I am developing and how I catch local Bees and keep to a completely natural system as well as managing our land growing food and lots more over the years coming so sit back and enjoy our journey as we build the channel for our subscribers to enjoy .