Assalamu’alaikum (peace and blessings of Allah be upon you) 😍 This life is a test, be ready! Maybe you are on the test now, just be patient and thankful to your creator (ALLAH)☝️. Never lose hope as Allah swt said: “Verily with every hardship comes ease” (Quran 94:6).
You will never find true contentment in this world as it is made to be exam hall and preparation for the hereafter. Hence do your best to get the satisfaction of ALLAH swt.
Improve your knowledge by reading Quran and hadith, watch motivational islamic lecture, pray 5 times i mean FIVE times prayer daily (know that there is no compromise on this), think about grave frequently, take care of your parents, try to fulfill the rights of your Creator, and our prophet Muhammad pbuh & your family/relatives/neighbors/friends/other people.
May Allah SWT forgive us and accept our good deeds Ameen. Pray for me when i am alive & dead!
Our GOAL is go to JANNAHTUL FIRDOUS through the mercy of ALLAH.
See YOU in Jannah 😍InshaAllah