We are a grizzled gang of burly bearded bastards playing video games. Based out of the GTA of the fine maple syrup laden country, Canada. We aren't the smartest bunch, nor all that handsome, but we like to have fun.
We got a few burly gamers in our arsenal:
Luigi: The scrawniest and most hairless gamer of our troupe. He enjoys pasta bolognese and one day dreams of gaming his way through Italy.
Tyler: The brains behind beard. Knowledgeable in all things video game, Tyler wishes one day to be completely simulated into virtual gaming reality.
Make sure to stay tuned and check out the live recording of the BurlyCast - Gaming Edition every Tuesday night at 7:30pm est time on twitch.tv/burlymengaming
● youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=burlymeng…
● Twitch: www.twitch.tv/burlymengaming
● Twitter: twitter.com/Burlymengaming
Now, have fun and enjoy but don't forget