Hi! I'm Laurie, your partner in successful Deconditioning :-)
I'm an Internationally Accredited Advanced EFT practitioner + Human Design guide. I've been in practice for more than 20 years. By blending the powerful benefits of EFT and Human Design in what I call, "Tapping by Design" sessions, you feel safe to release not-self beliefs and behaviors so you can live your Human Design Signature of Peace, Satisfaction, Success or Surprise and Delight with ease and joy.
I'm a 6/3 Self-projected Projector who's officially "off the roof" as of May 9, 2024. I'm also married to a 2/5 Mental Projector.
I combine HD and EFT because HD doesn't really show you HOW to successfully decondition. Being trained in both, I found EFT to be the missing link to that dilemma. EFT works with the meridians in your body (your HD circuitry) by recalibrating them while releasing stuck emotions in your organs/HD centers allowing your not-self to step aside while helping your Self-energy come forward.