A glimpse into my life with a focus on firearms. I have been deeply involved in the firearms community for many years. I started as an apprentice gunsmith in Florida for one of the highest volume law enforcement gun dealers in the state. As i learned and progressed I was afforded the opportunity to start a business training civilians in the tactics, ramifications and practice of concealed carry. From this opportunity I also expanded my training courses and offer them to military and police. As my skills improved in gunsmithing techniques I was introduced into firearms restoration. Nothing is more enjoyable for me as bringing new life into an old peice of firearm history.Throughout my journey I also created and developed www.tacticaladv.com which was my dream for a judgement free firearms forum which is still operating today. Even though my current profession doesnt allow me time to offer training as I once did I still love sharing my projects with the world. #AvantLink