I hope all people find is well and keep healthy.
All Fishing Buddy and Friends same hobbies. Greetings from Channel "MangLer Fishing"
The name of this channel is taken from the Five (Limang in Javanese Language) Angler or can be interpreted as Five Angler from fellow fishing hobbyists in Semarang. Because fishing isn't just about STRIKE
Warms greetings from me Janche. Always support this channel, my friends and my brothers, so that they can develop more and exchange knowledge, experiences about fishing, fishing spots, and exciting fishing trips.
Don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE to continue to support this channel and my spirit on future.
Regards, STRIKE and FISH ON
Greetings Fishing Buddy Friend, Same Hobbies, One Vision
Brotherhood Forever
Brotherhood & Unity