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Movie Junkie

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Movie Junkie is the home to all things movies. Monster Analy

Movie Junkie
1 year ago - 57 likes

8 years ago, we hit 1000 subs. So many of you have come and gone, the channels had so many ups and downs. The one thing that hasn’t changed is the sharing of knowledge…from trivia, Visual effects, Practical effects, direction, production, sound design and behind the scenes from viewers and even people involved in the movies I featured. You guys make this channel. Keep it up, I love you all.

Movie Junkie

Movie Junkie
1 year ago - 56 likes

Some may have noticed a lot of old episodes have been re-appearing. Some will remain up, some will go down until I get old permissions granted once again. Do as you legends do and remain as patient as ever.

Stay Awesome
Movie Junkie

Movie Junkie
1 year ago - 14 likes

The new Patreon page is now up, get your self a suave member badge along with some benfits such as early access to new episodes, your name in said episodes and shout outs on the community page!

Stay Awesome guys

Movie Junkie
1 year ago - 36 likes

Godzilla 1998 Monster Analysis Remastered is now live on the OnlyFans Page!

Godzilla 98 was my introduction to the character. I had obviously heard of Godzilla before this movies release but never really knew about the old ToHo movies. I always and still love this film, I love his design, I love the way he moves and that he looks like a mutated iguana. The film has a lot of nostalgia value for me but as I've grown I've came to appreciate it for the work that was involved. The live action suits for the baby zillas were beautifully crafted and brilliantly executed on set. The CGI Godzilla has some brilliant little nuances in his movement that took some real attention to detail. For example the scene where Hank Azaria (Animal) greets the beast in the middle of the street, as Godzilla walks towards him you can see his feet swaying from side to side as they meet wind resistance. Love that kind of attention to detail from animators.

A special thank you to:
Jay Rai
Bob Sacamano

For your support!

Movie Junkie

Movie Junkie
1 year ago - 63 likes

Splinter Monster Analysis Remastered is now live on the OnlyFans Page!

Splinter 2008, I always remember seeing Splinter from a sleepless night I was having, came across it on Film 4 and sat through the lot. I was blown away by it, loved the acting, loved the premise, loved the creature. A tiny little inconspicuous thing that can fuck you up just by brushing past it...terrifying. It received fairly high reviews and won a whole bunch of awards for its effects and editing but unfortunately it had a very limited release. It's a great movie that deserves way more attention, but I'm sure you guys will provide that. One of my favourite things about this movie is actually Shea Whigham who plays Dennis (the guy with the gun). He gives an outstanding performance that's incredibly believable and emotionally charged. If you haven't yet seen it, I recommend you move it to the top of your watch lists ASAP.

A special thank you to:
Jay Rai
Bob Sacamano

For your support!

Movie Junkie

Movie Junkie
1 year ago - 66 likes

Merry Christmas my Movie Junkies. I’ve just got everything sorted, the beefs in the slow cooker, the presents are set under the tree and to top it off me Helen and Jack are full of cold. I wish you all the very best and I’m truly thankful for all of you. New and old visitors alike, thank you.


Movie Junkie
1 year ago - 79 likes

The Thing (1982) Monster Analysis Remastered now available on the OnlyFans page -
Does The Thing really need an introductory comment? Rob Bottin and his team, masters in their craft brought John Carpenters script to life. Their gloriously slimy, disturbingly articulated foam rubber creations gave children and adults alike nightmares for weeks. Criminal really that awards were not gained at the time as most award ceremonies were for actors. After a recent re-watch I firmly find them holding up even today. Yeah those in the know can pick out flaws, but damn do they still look good.

A special thank you to:
Jay Rai
Bob Sacamano

For your support!

Movie Junkie

Movie Junkie
1 year ago - 57 likes

Merry Christmas you guys. I know it's November 15th, but I say this every year, it gets earlier and earlier. I seen christmas stock in shops in the middle of october! So here we have it, Krampus Monster Analysis Remastered, now available on the OnlyFans page - An awesome christmas film for us horror fans. I never thought anything would top Rare Exports but this one just has so many bizzare aspects to it. From non other than Michael Dougherty, the man who brought us Trick 'r Treat. Highly reccomend you stick it on your watch list if you havent already seen it!

A special thank you to:
Jay Rai
Bob Sacamano

For your support!
Movie Junkie

Movie Junkie
1 year ago - 57 likes

Not sure if I should be annoyed or humbled by someone straight up stealing my edits and even copy and pasting my descriptions word for word. I worked hard on those things, and worked hard getting permission to use the clips. Evidently they didn’t, as most of the episodes have 90% of them cut due to copyright hits. But, troll hunter is there and up in its entirety. Considering how patient you guys have been, feel free to go over there and watch it as I work on the remaster.

Movie Junkie
1 year ago - 71 likes

Deep Rising Trivia Files is back up and it’s there to stay. Thank all of you for your patience and keep it up, there’s a lot more to come.

Stay Awesome
Movie Junkie