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McFly Angler

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McFly Angler is all about fishing. I love to fish all types

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McFly Angler
Posted 5 days ago

The world tells us to listen to our heart, but the Bible tells us our hearts are not to be trusted. God has a clear path for our lives and it is so much better than any path we can lay out for ourselves. While his path might not lead to riches, and could have some discomfort, there is no doubt in my mind that his path is better. Just like a parent doesn’t always give their child everything they desire, God doesn’t always want us to do everything we desire as well. Imagine a parent letting their child eat whatever they want for dinner every night. That child would pile up their plates with candy and eat nothing of nutritional value. The true measure of a loving parent is helping their child grow in a healthy way. Teaching them (sometimes painfully) the best way to live. Making sure their kids learn to eat veggies and other nutritional foods that will grow their muscles and make them healthy adults. Same thing goes with God. He is our Heavenly Father who loves us so much, he wants what is best for us even if that doesn’t align with what we want.
So the wise man should trust in God with all they do. We should pray about a job opportunity before we take it, even if it pays more. Pray about a new purchase like a car or house even if it’s what we really want. Pray about that girlfriend or boyfriend before they get married even if we are madly in love. Because only God knows whether a better job offer is around the corner, whether that car is truly practical for your needs or if that marriage will be a true blessing.
But these are big things that I feel most Christians already pray about, but it says here in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. I believe if we truly do acknowledge God in all things, praise him for his amazing work in our lives and truly seek his well being for our lives, even the small stuff will be sorted out perfectly for our specific needs. God loves us like a perfect father, one that knows the future and one that will lovingly guide us to all he made us to be. So start today, pray about every decision you make, put God in the middle of each conversation you have and put him first because he will guide

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McFly Angler
Posted 1 week ago

2 Peter 3:3-4 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

We live in a time where people have become increasingly more hostile to the notion that Jesus will come back again. Just like 2nd Peter states here, many will scoff at Christian’s when we look to his 2nd coming. But the Bible clearly states that we should continually be ready. But how do we become ready? Well Jesus came the first time as a servant, one to give his own body as a sacrifice for our sin. So that whomever believes will not perish but have eternal life with God in heaven. However the 2nd time he comes, he will come to judge the world. Many Christians even don’t understand that part. When Jesus comes again, he comes to judge sin. See God is patient, he wants all to come to him. He gives man as many chances as possible to be set free from the bondage of sin. So where some people scoff when the Bible says he is coming back soon, I praise him for his mercy. The longer God waits, the more people have a chance to come to Christ. So what must we do to be ready for his 2nd coming? Follow Jesus! That is the way to be ready. To follow Jesus you need to confess your sins to him, open the door to your heart and let him come in. He will begin the new work in you, and you will be amazed at your desires beginning to change. See it is not us that rids ourselves from sin, but the work of the Holy Spirit in us that changes our heart to lean against Christ. So don’t wait another day, another moment. Cry out to Jesus to save you, because he is knocking on the door to your heart and is waiting for you to open it to him. Act quickly because it says he will come back in the twinkle of an eye. Don’t hesitate to get right with God. He is coming quickly and when we least expect it!

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McFly Angler
Posted 1 month ago
Last year I started another channel on my homesteading (sorta) project. We have been working it hard, and here is a video on what I have been doing over the summer in 100+ degree heat. What an incredible amount of work to convert a 20x20 section of terrible clay packed soil into something usable. Time and effort is the game here. Fun video if you all are interested. If not no biggie I will continue seeing you all on my fly tying and fishing videos!

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McFly Angler
Posted 1 month ago

It’s amazing how our God loved us so much that he sent his only son to die for our sins so that we can spend eternity with him. Jesus is standing there just knocking. He isn’t busting the door down, he doesn’t force himself on us. He is a gentleman that is only asking for us to serve him. And we must open this door. What’s very interesting to me is where this verse is from. This is the part of revelation that shows the letters to the 7 churches. This particular church has nothing good said about it. They aren’t doing what they are supposed to. They aren’t truly following Christ. They are a rich church and focus on their wealth rather than serving Christ. However Jesus is speaking to the individual of that church here when he states, that he is standing at the door knocking. I find this very interesting. These people are part of a church that is lost apparently. A church that doesn’t seem to have correct doctrine or maybe just is allowing pride or sin to enter. Yet, the members of this church still have Jesus knocking on their door. What this says to me is, our faith doesn’t come from what church we are associated with, but it’s a personal relationship with our creator. That brings me much encouragement. We can probably all agree, most of the American churches these days are not on the correct path. There are many problems with them. However we as individuals aren’t kept from a relationship with Christ and eternal security in him based on our specific church, but he allows the individuals to make their own decisions. We can all open the door to him and he will come in and eat with us. Also the Bible says the Holy Spirit will show us all truths. So once we accept Jesus as our savior, we will be able to discern true doctrine and fruits. So don’t worry about what church you go to, first open the door to Christ and he will guide your paths. God bless you all!

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McFly Angler
Posted 1 month ago

Everyone battles fear, even the toughest person. Fear is not only being afraid of what can hurt your physical body, but you can fear things like loosing your job, or reputation. But when we realize nothing is really ours, but is given to us by our creator, then we can truly start to not fear anything. Many people fear telling others about Christ, because they might be ridiculed, or fear loosing our jobs and not being able to provide for our families, but all of these things are gifts from God and once we realize they aren’t ours, but good things given by God, then we can learn to give all these things back to God and not fear or worry. Of course we should do our part in keeping what God has given us, but ultimately if we loose something because of situations out of our control we should still rejoice in our God because we know all things are father filtered. I am not perfect at this, I tend to over think everything. I gravitate towards worry often. But when I actually let go, and give all aspects of my life back to God, that’s when I truly find peace and joy. So, if you find yourself worrying or fearing, I urge you to focus on God, remember what he did for you through Jesus on the cross, and know he has a plan, even through what seems like the darkest times in your life. Give those worries up to God so he can work through you and give you peace. Don’t let the good gifts God has given you in your life bring you stress, instead just be thankful for what he has done for you now, and trust that he will continue to provide for you. God bless you all!

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McFly Angler
Posted 1 month ago

We go through life with so much worry and stress. Gotta make more money to afford the better car, house, nicest clothing. Keeping up with the joneses is very prevalent in our culture. But Jesus came to bring peace. This includes our own peace, not just peace in this world. With him we can trust that our Heavenly Father will give us all we need. Jesus makes the analogy here to flowers in a field who God dresses with beauty, he previously mentions birds who don’t spend their days gathering food in a barn, yet God feeds them. Jesus says that our Heavenly Father loves us much more than these, so why wouldn’t we trust him with our well being? Will God always make us rich? Absolutely not. But if we follow him, we don’t have to worry about these things because we know he will provide for us. We should of course do our best, but leave the worry at the door. Instead we should put our effort into pleasing God and helping others. This is all much easier said than done, and I do have moments of stress. However if we look towards Jesus we can leave our troubles behind.

This is perfectly represented in Matthew 14 where Peter goes out walking on water to meet Jesus, and he doesn’t fall as long as he is looking at Jesus. But he took his eyes off Jesus for a second and noticed the waves, became afraid and started to sink. Never taking your eyes off Jesus is the only way to live a life fully free of worry or fear. So next time you start to stress about finances, or a job promotion, stop and pray, look to Jesus and he will set you free.

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McFly Angler
Posted 2 months ago

Our God is an amazing God. He knows what we need more than we do. We need to follow his guidance because his ways are better than our ways. Here in David’s writings it says God makes him lie in green pastures and leads him beside still waters. This is so important to me. I am one of those people who load up my days with stuff to do. I am always running around getting things done and there is never enough time in the day for me to complete my self imposed tasks. This leaves little time for God and little time for healing. But God knows what is most important, and brings incidences into my life to force me to slow down. Things like traffic, or waiting on my kids to put on their shoes. These are actually times I can look back and be grateful for. It gives me moments to think, to pray, and to just be still. I love how it says he makes me lay in green pastures, but he leads me beside still waters. Jesus is the water, and he will never impose himself on us. But when I have moments of being forced to lay in green pastures, it gives me time to think about Jesus and just spend time with him. I live about 30 minutes from the grocery store, which at times can be frustrating as it takes some time out of my day. However, most evenings as I reflect on the day as I lay in bed to sleep, and I think about the moments with Jesus I have in my car, praying and thinking. See God sometimes makes us slow down, but only leads us to him. So don’t let the slow down moments be wasted, use this time to reflect on him. Are you running late to work and stuck in traffic, don’t get angry or frustrated, instead pray. You will turn a moment of frustration into one of the most prized moments in your day. Use every down moment you have to spend it with God. Even better yet, try to set aside some time in the mornings or evenings for God, whether that is reading his word or praying to him. This is the best way to have your soul restored. To spend that time with your creator. God bless you all!

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McFly Angler
Posted 3 months ago

Instead of just doing a pattern I’ve done before, I figured I would ask all of you what fly would you like me to tie next for you all? Any suggestions?

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McFly Angler
Posted 3 months ago

There are some Christians who would say that you can loose your salvation, or that you must eradicate sin from your life before coming to Christ. And while sin is very serious and God hates sin, this does not mean Jesus’s blood does not apply to those who aren’t perfect. In fact that’s the whole point of Jesus’s sacrifice, is that it is for imperfect people.
I like to look at Gods character for my eternal security. He loved imperfect people so much that he became man, took our sins upon himself, died, then rose again. All this for already imperfect people. This is a God that is willing to do all this for me and you before we trusted in him. Before we were ever born even! This is a God that wants the very best for you and I.
A great example of Gods everlasting mercy is actually in the Old Testament. God called David “a man after my own heart”. Yet he was not without sin in his lifetime. And these weren’t little sins. Yet he had a humble and repentant spirit, and always turned to God for everything.
David wrote this psalm, and if you notice he has full security in Gods promises that he would dwell in the house of the Lord forever. He knew Gods goodness and mercy would follow him all the days of his life. He didn’t put trust in his own ability to keep from sin for his salvation, no he put his trust in God who is the only one who can save us from ourselves. See if we believe our salvation is based on our own goodness, even when that is along side Christ’s blood, then we are saying we are saved by our own power.
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
See only Christ has the power to save. And to be honest if it were up to me to keep my salvation, I would have lost it by now. Throughout the scripture, all the men of God rested in Gods saving mercy and not their own doing for their salvation.
Now this being said, when we do repent, and turn to Christ, we are made a new creation it says in 2 Corinthians, so we should see some fruit in our lives. But the fruits aren’t what save us, they are only a way to see God working in our lives.

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McFly Angler
Posted 4 months ago

Last week I posted about my study through Job, a book that depicts a God fearing man that ends up going through some difficult trials. I stated that the book is not really about “why do the innocent suffer” but about how much God really loves us. But why do the innocent suffer? And by innocent I mean those who are walking with Jesus in truth. To be honest no one is truly innocent, that is why we need Jesus. But why does God allow suffering to his children? There are many reasons why. Sometimes it is to strengthen our own faith, sometimes it’s to correct us, sometimes it is to guide us in a different direction. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 gives us another reason, and that is to show true comfort to others who are suffering. It is really difficult to sympathize with someone going through trials if we haven’t gone through the same thing. Imagine a friend who say, lost their parents in a freak accident, and both your parents are still alive. There is not much you can say other than sorry. You could not comfort them and tell them you know the pain will lessen, because you have not gone through that yourself to know. Now that might be an extreme example, but hopefully you understand the point I’m trying to make. See maybe whatever suffering your going through at this time, will give you insight on how to minister to someone else who might not know Christ, or might be going through a time or doubt because of some suffering in their own life. And you are then able to give them much needed comfort.

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