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Natalia rose

2K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hello I do Vlogs of my day and life. just what it’s like to

Day in my life February 8, 2025 How I feel about morning class #collegeoutfits #collegelife #collegeoutfits spend a productive day with me Outfit #weekinmylife #sundayservice #ootd #funday POV when collage feels like collage #sundayservice #churchootd Home from church #birthday #birthdayvlog #20years my 20th birthday #shoetsvideo #travelvlog comeing back to school #christmas  #shenanigans #funday #vlogmasday25 #marrychristmas #happynewyear Last week of #vlogmas2024 #vlogmas2024 #day17 #vlogmas2024 #day16 #vlogmas2024 #day15 #day14 #vlogmas2024 #dayinthelife #vlogmas2024 #college #day13 #flyinghome Random moments from #day11 and #day12 #vlogmas2024 yes I spend way to much time at the library #vlogmas2024 #day10 #vlogmas2024 #day9 #vlogmas2024 #shoetsvideo #day8 #vlogmas2024 #shortsmass #day7 #vlogmas2024 #shortsmass #day6 #spendthedaywithme #grwm #ootd #vlogmas2024 #day5 #pt2 #shortsmass #day4 #pt1 #shortsmass #day4 #vlogmas2024 #day4 #studymotivation #dayinthelife #shortsmass #vlogmas2024 #day2 #shortsmass #vlogmas2024 #examfail #grwm #ootd #day1 The. End of 2024 Crazy College day in my life #dayinthelife #collagelife #collagelife #hiking #collagelifestyle Getting ready for college mini Vlog  Sunday get ready with me Graduation day mini vlog September 10, 2024 My first day of collage ever #college #collegelife #acoupledaysinmylife #ootd ##firstdayofschool first day of collage ever and I’m not ready for this #collegelife #collagewithme #ootd Idk y my eyes were closed but #firstdayofschool #ootd #collageoutfits #collegelife I got this collage editing #justkeepgoing brave=doing things scared YOU GOT THIS #firstdayofschool Welcome to collage B this is going to be hard #college #ootd #collagewithme ( Jail ? = school ? ) definitely school #schoollife #collegelife