Hello and welcome to my page!
What can you find here?
*Videos about Korea and my life in Seoul National University
*Let's Learn Estonian lessons (coming from an native speaker, therefore I'm not a professional teacher and can not teach/help on that level. I'm just a girl who want's to help as much as she can :D)
*Learn things about Estonian culture (is part of the Let's Learn Estonian and you can learn new things in every video)
*Original songs
*Travel videos
About me:
I love music! It's a big part of my life. I sing and play different instruments (guitar, piano, clarinets...) You'll hear most of them in my videos.
I'm also passionate about helping people to learn new things about Estonia and its language. I'm not a proffecional teacher but i try to teach what i know and all that in a fun and nice way, so it would be easier to remember :D
Lot's of Love!