Hey 👋🏻 I'm Amritesh, the mind behind Neuraldemy. On my YouTube channel, I share what I know to help you learn new skills. While Neuraldemy's website is all about machine learning and AI, my YouTube videos cover a bunch of different skills, and sometimes I do post random useful videos. If you want to learn ML do visit Neuraldemy's website and start learning.
I’m a self-taught full-stack web developer with a strong focus and interest in machine learning. I also have solid experience in startup idea validation, business development, and marketing, and I love using these skills to bring new ideas to life. I like learning hands-on and getting deep into the whys and hows of things.
My goal is to help people like me to get started with resources I wish I had when I first started. So, I hope you’ll stick around!!
Do subscribe 💫