Barry's Friend in Realty brand came about by one main thought... The Golden Rule! His intention and driving principle is to treat you, the client, the way he would want to be treated if he was the client and you were the real estate agent.
It is the above approach that has helped him rise to the top 1% in his field over the last 18 years in the business. In 2012, Barry was awarded the agent of the year for his company. Barry was ranked 3rd in the country by Better Homes and Gardens in 2013 as a result of selling 125 homes that year. Further, he was just awarded 5th place in the 2014 Real Trends Top Real Estate Agent award for the entire state of Virginia.
Barry consistently sells several houses a week and this experience in real estate gives him a competitive edge over most other agents in the area. Combine this experience with an extensive array of training designations and his clients always win.