Paul has had two jobs in his life and for over 30 years has been founding, growing and exiting businesses and helping others to do the same.
He confesses openly that he has also "crashed more companies than the average Gen Y has had jobs, including businesses that should never have been scribbled on the back of a napkin let alone be allowed to get off the napkin".
Paul has had five very successful exits and multiple results he’d call satisfactory. The crash and burns were, like any good R&D, business crash test dummies.
Though his career Paul has discovered several patterns that lead to success and an equal number that lead to failure in business. These patterns are behavioural and are reflected in both the personal and business life of every person. Luckily because their nature is behavioural, such patterns can be changed.
To read more about Paul's journey and what's he's up to right now, visit his website at